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Sherry Schoffstall Barker

Profile Updated: October 25, 2020
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Class Year:
Residing In:
Annandale, VA USA
Forrest Barker
Jonathan born 1976
Jennifer born 1978
Joanna born 1980
Jeremy born 1983
Military Service:
US Army Reserves  
Yes! Attending Reunion
School Story:

I lived in Taegu so was a dorm student. I was dropped off at SAHS on a Thursday in Nov 1964 with my younger brother Bob. The next day Friday. all dorm kids quietly excused themselves around 2:00 to walk back to the dorm to get their packed suitcases and get on a bus--one for boys and one for girls. The train for the 70-80 dork kids from Seoul left every Friday with our very own car with on duty sergeant and snack bar. It took 5.5 hrs to get to Taegu, 7.5 hrs to Pusan. Lucky me got a seat on the train with a cute and funny guy named Greg Dess. Halfway home I looked for brother Bob and was horrified to find out he was NOT ON THE TRAIN. The rest is Bob's story.

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Apr 14, 2021 at 11:06 AM

Sherry, thank you for your post regarding our experiences with prejudices. I too lived in Taegu, commuting to SAHS on Sunday evening, returning Friday afternoon. Great experience. Obviously a little before your time. I presume you lived at Camp Walker? Ron