In Memory

Alexander Zurbruegg

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07/14/16 08:22 AM #2    

Tony Capaccio

Always missed and fondly remembered

07/14/16 02:43 PM #3    

Jon White

In many classes we were seated alphabetically, so I was frequently in Sandy's "part of the room." He was one of the nicest people in the class of 1966 and I think of him often.

07/14/16 03:03 PM #4    

Jean McIntyre (Siwicki)

We all miss Sandy...great classmate who always had a smile on his face. Such a loss to his family and our class.

07/14/16 04:39 PM #5    

Robert Matteson

He was a good friend.  We rode the bus together for many years and didn't live that far from each other.  It was a true shock when I heard of his passing and I too think of him and his smile quite often.

07/14/16 08:57 PM #6    

Regina Possemato (Steele)

Sandy will always be remembered for his quick smile and caring ways, and of coarse his curly hair. What was that about the mayo?

07/15/16 10:20 AM #7    

Greg Wyss

It's hard to believe that it's been 36 years since we lost Sandy. He was a dear friend and one of the nicest guys that I have ever known. So many great memories from growing up together, playing baseball and of course, his Barracuda! I know that he is with us in spirit as we celebrate our 50th together.

07/17/16 08:02 PM #8    

Rachel Cooley

I will always remember his great smile and kindness. Rachel Cooley

07/18/16 02:00 PM #9    

Dennis Porter

Sandy was one of my three best friends and still is. I tell stories about us several times a year and i miss him the most at every five year reunion. I believe you do not actually die until the last person in the world stops remembering you. I believe Sandy will live forever at least in our hearts.

07/18/16 07:00 PM #10    

Vincent Mirabito

Sandy was my best man at my wedding and hardly a day goes by that I don't think about him. 

08/01/16 11:41 AM #11    

Christine Schaeffer (Ossont)

Sandy was like a brother to me. His Mother and my Mother were best friends from elementary school through college, and then Sandy and I were born the same year. Because he was an only child, he did lots of things with my brother, Steve, and me. We loved to water ski at his camp at Guilford Lake. When we played Monopoly, Sandy had to play exactly by the rules! I loved to hear him play his accordian. I was diagnosed with cancer in 1980 and Sandy died 3 weeks later. Monica has been so strong and has raised a beautiful family. Fond and loving memories of Sandy will always remain in our hearts.

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