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In Memory

Tali Yeriel

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10/18/09 05:37 PM #1    

Steve Pittleman

I remember Tali well because she was my first date. This beautiful, tall young woman from Israel who always had a snappy comeback to my teasing had smitten me. We went to a Winter Wonderland dance in our Jr. year and had a lovely time. We became friends, occasionally going ice skating, which was interesting for a girl from Israel. She was a lousy skater, and I never learned to speak Hebrew, so we were even. Both of us could have been better at math. In our senior year, we sat beside each other in Ms. Simpkin's Geometry for Dummies class. We spent more time joking around than trying to understand Geometry, and we had our seat assignments changed more than once. I never saw her again after 1970. She returned to Israel, and I began my journey. She died on November 28, 1977. I learned of her death in Israel from a mutual neighborhood friend. As I look over my classmates' signatures and comments in my Yearbook, I found hers, "To my first date . . . in this country, with lots of love. Tali". Shalom, my friend.

03/15/20 06:42 AM #2    

Oren Kaplan

On the eve of our 50 year reunion; fond memories of the way we knew you:

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