In Memory

Lisa Hendrix

Lisa died of a brain tumor on May 11, 1975. Her older brothers: Scott Hendrix graduated in 1975 and Craig Hendrix in 1974. 

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09/04/09 01:27 AM #1    

Gina Betti (Marcucci)

I could write a book about Lisa~ funny, smart, had the biggest heart of anyone. She had her disease for years, and never let anyone know. Lisa never, never complained, and always laughed, no matter what. I just treasured her friendship.
Quick funny...coming from a highly disfunctional family, I had no house skills whatsoever!! Couldn't boil water!
Lisa and I were in the same 9th grade Home Econ. class at Sligo, and I had this awful long granny dress to finish, or have this failure forever on my permanent record!! She stayed after school with me, day after day, and when the teacher would leave the room for a few minutes, Lisa would hurry over to my machine and sew! Well, the last day (it positively had to be turned in, or I would be forced to repeat 9th grade, I am sure!)Lisa set my machine up for me quickly before the teacher came into the room and discovered I had been in the class for months with absolutely not a lick of knowledge of how to thread the darn thing! I finished as the last few minutes of the clocked wound down to 4pm. I grabbed my dress from the clutches of the Singer industrial machine, sprinted for the teachers desk to present my "project" to her, and lo-and behold, the machine and I were "one!" Lisa and I had been in such a hurry to get the machine working, I had sewn my dress to my own shirt! Machine, me, dress, and about 100 bobbins hit the floor at the same time, and Lisa (ever ready to help!) jumped to my defense with a pair of sissors and some remark to our teacher about "ready to wear"...
Pretty sure I passed the class because the teacher couldn't bear the thought of having me repeat it with her!! personally...I think she knew Lisa, and figured Lisa couldn't be entirely wrong if she was my friend!
What an awesome friend she was!!!!
I can't wait to see her again in Heaven!!
If anyone who knew her is reading this, please contact me~ I would dearly love to find out if her parents/family are still in the area.
Gina Betti Marcucci

05/05/10 06:09 PM #2    

Donna Gansel

I didn't know Lisa as well as Gina did, but I do remember Lisa's smile and her wit.  She was in one of my science classes and we had to choose a partner to disect a frog (I think it was a frog).  She became my partner because she was excited about cutting up the frog and I was sickened by the thought of it.  I needed someone to do the cutting and she seemed eager to take on the task.  She took that thing apart slowly, taking out each of the major organs, putting them in front of me and making sure I knew what they were. :)  She was bright and she had a sense of humor!

07/21/11 08:10 PM #3    

Caryn Jennings (Joachim)

Lisa & I were very good friends from Elementary school and we were Camp Fire Girls!  Her parents live in Brookeville, Maryland.  They are my second set of parents.  Joyce, her mom, is my best friend. 

09/22/18 02:54 PM #4    

Susan Ross (Sumner)

Lisa had such a beautiful spirit. She was energetic, kind, funny, never complained, and gave so much of herself to others. She was a radiant light as a Christ follower. I remember her facing her passing with incredible grace & what an impact she had on me & others I'm sure. I lived next door to her Aunt Charlotte & Uncle Bob on Robin Road. I look forward to seeing her again in eternity!!

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