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Created on: 08/25/10 01:03 AM Views: 1886 Replies: 1
Posted Tuesday, August 24, 2010 08:03 PM

I have been Really busy...but I still work out with weights and ride the excerise bike. I listen to stations from the 70's and 80's when doing so. Or, cd's from that time period. There are so many songs that I replay to get the words right!!!! I was always way off in the day on what the song was saying! Hell, I know I am not the sharpest knife in the rack...but after listening to the music for once while working out instead of drinking beer and bullshitting I hear it now (which screws with my simple mind). We had really good music when we were in school! So much to choose from...but cool! Maybe it is just me...but music isn't what it was in those days! My daughter even thinks our music was cool! And that says allot! 

I love music...I am just not someone that remembers who sang it or what the real words are! Sometimes my words are better anyway! Ha, ha, ha!

Take care,

Matt Max

RE: Music
Posted Saturday, August 28, 2010 08:19 AM

Matt I would totally have to agree with you there.  It sure does seem that alot of radio stations these days have switched over to "our" music.  Guess the music must have been ok if they are all trying to bring it back now.  And isnt it amazing how many of the groups from our time are still on tour and making tons of money.  So I guess there was alot of good to come out of the 70"s after all.