NEW Message Board!


Forum: General Discussion [STICKY]


Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!

Created on: 05/27/09 02:10 PM Views: 1619 Replies: 9
Welcome Back! READ THIS FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 09:10 AM

Welcome back to our new improved bulletin board for the West High Class of '79! 

This board has some different features, including "topics" so it's a little more organized (as opposed to the old board which was just post after post so sometimes you (well, me) could get lost as to which discussion you were talking about.  This new board functions a little differently, but it's easier to navigate once you are used to it.  I already started a topic about movies from the 70's.  You can read what I had to say (or not) and hit respond/reply if you had some thoughts about movies from the 70's. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: to see ALL topics currently open under this board you need to click on the "Forum List" and then click on "General Discussion".

If you want to start a new topic about any other subject matter, feel free.  Just hit the "Post New Topic" button.  Be aware we are watching for "inappropriate subject matter", so let's keep ALL topics and posts clean and respectful.  Our class was a pretty special one and I brag about how well we all got along back in the day.  Devoid of "clicks", our class was...well, classy.  Let's keep our board that way and leave out any off color jokes and the like.  And tread lightly with politics and religion.  As I have told a few of you, while it is impossible to say something offensive to me (I've exhausted every short, balding and homely joke out there), I would be mortified if something I said would cause offense to someone else.  Yes I know it's in the eye of the beholder but given our backgrounds I am confident we can have a fun and lively board that everyone will enjoy. 

So go have fun and play nice.

Bruce Zook, Reunion Committee Member


Edited 05/27/09 06:24 PM
RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 05:33 PM

My thanks to all for this new and improved (and let's not forget, politically correct & supervised), forum.  A very special praise goes to the man of the hour, Bruce "Sgt. Hulka" Zook. Thanks for believing in your fellow classmates when others did not. "An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe . . . I think that we owe a big round of applause to our newest, bestest buddy and big toe, Sgt. Hulka."

With that said, I have to say that I feel like I was just released from detention class.


Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 06/05/09 04:41 PM
RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 05:48 PM


nice one. thankfully the board is back up. and I use boards with this type format all the time, so kudos to whoever put this together.




RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 06:54 PM

Well, I No I am glad this is back I was on here and loved it ,Loved jabbering with many of you out there hope to do more and Thanks  to whom made this possible of bringing this back........ Tracy


RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 07:07 PM

Thanks to Bruce and Denise and whoever else got this back up and running.  There were some great stories and memories!

Can't wait to see everyone in July!



RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2009 09:52 PM

God Bless

RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 04:55 PM

Ok I will add my two cents worth also, I am also very glad that this is up and running once again. I really look forward to checking it out every day once again to see what everyone is up  to.  So I would also like to thank the committee for starting it up again.

RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 08:13 PM

Now Mike, admit it, you were pissed that it was pulled.  On the new/improved you should be PC but don't lie pal.


I guess after writing that I'm supposed to put "LOL" or a smile face.  However, I can't get myself to do that.  So . . .please understand I'm being sarcastic.  I think you know.

OK, I did it! SHIT I feel cheep

RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 09:53 PM

OK, Brad lets make everything perfectly clear (I'm flapping my cheeks around and both hands are over my head with the peace symbols) I'm not a crook, I'm not a crook, lets make everything perfectly clear! I at no time considered you cheap! In-fact to prove that I will let you buy me all the beer you want at the reunion to help prove my point (peace signs overhead and cheek flapping to emphasis my truthfulness! Ha, ha, ha!

RE: Welcome Back! Read this FIRST!!!
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:04 PM

I would take pleaser buying you beer.  It is now my life ambition.  Truth is, there is no one more worthy of free beer than YOU!





