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Discovery Days

Created on: 06/11/09 09:42 PM Views: 1322 Replies: 2
Discovery Days
Posted Thursday, June 11, 2009 04:42 PM

Alright how many of you remember Discovery  Days back in school. I dont remember what year it was but I remember being given a list of things to do and you had to choose 2. I remember choosing the trip to Kansas City to go to the Truman Library and a Kansas City Royals game. When we got to KC we found that the Library was closed so we went to the mall. I can remember hanging in the arcade and the food court. The other thing i signed up for was the bike ride up Highway 12. We left school and rode in a group up Highway 12 stopping a few times along the way to eat our sack lunches and also just to catch our breath. On the way home I can remember Rich Mann and myself taking off and seeing who could get home first since we did not need to return to school. It really wasnt fair since I lived in Riverside.

Do any of you remember what you did and what year that was?

RE: Discovery Days
Posted Thursday, June 11, 2009 04:52 PM

Our Junior year. Jules & I did the bike ride. We teamed up with Mark Mehner & Tracy Bennett. I think we made it up to that bridge just past Stone Park and caught a ride back in somebody's truck.

I guess the only thing that I discovered is that once you get a driver's license, bikes collect dust in the basement.

Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 06/11/09 04:54 PM
RE: Discovery Days
Posted Thursday, June 11, 2009 05:31 PM

I "discovered" that our football coach discovered a way to use the Discovery Days to sneak in a few spring workouts for the skill players on the football team.  So I discovered our football coach really didn't wasn't in the whole spirit of DISCOVERY [i.e. search for new knowledge or experiences].

I WANTED to go to KC and the Royals game.  There were a lot of other things that looked like they might be fun to try.  Then Coach Brown explained I really SHOULD work on fundamentals during those couple of days.

So while everyone was travelling and biking, we ran plays in the gym.  Yawn

The whole thing was Mary Pecaut's idea.  She had to really push to get it done.  The idea was a good one.  Some of the "seminars" (or whatever they were called) were lame though.  Like mine.
