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September 11, 2001 - where were you?

Created on: 06/06/09 08:43 PM Views: 1340 Replies: 2
September 11, 2001 - where were you?
Posted Saturday, June 6, 2009 03:43 PM

I can recall certain historical events in my lifetime that have unleashed the spirit of patriotism within me. Those events, some of them good and some of them bad, changed our country, our world, and me personally. In the summer of 1969, I sat in front of my family’s black and white television and watched as Neil Armstrong stepped on the lunar surface. It was a proud day to be an American. As a young adult a decade later, I watched as American citizens were taken hostage in Iran. It angered me to see our flag being burnt by foreigners. In 1986, the nation mourned when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. This was a dark day for America and our space program. However, no occasion can compare to the tragedy of September 11, 2001. It became a defining moment in history, a day that forever changed each of us in some way.

I attended a Remembrance Ceremony at Briar Cliff on September 11, 2002. Like others around the country, it was a time for reflection. As I sat there in the Chapel, I thought about where I was on that late summer day a year earlier. I had just arrived at work that morning when a co-worker told me that a plane had hit a skyscraper in New York City. We went into the conference room and turned on the television. At that time, we all thought that this crash was just another isolated plane accident. Some of us were just starting to discuss how a military plane had once crashed into the Empire State Building when we saw the second jet hit. Nobody uttered a sound, we just stared in disbelief, and we all knew that this was no longer an accident.

I remember coming home that evening from work and spending it with my family. All I wanted to do was to be with my wife and children and to know that we were all safe. It saddened me then, and still today, to think about all of the children whose parents did not return home that evening.

As I left the chapel, I reached into the basket to pull out a victim’s name. The name that I selected was Elaine Cillo, and her age at death was 40. Ironically this was also how old I was last year. I realized that the two of us, being from the same generation, had witnessed the same historical events.

After the tree planting ceremony, I sat and wondered about Elaine. What were her religious beliefs? Did Elaine believe in God? Where was she from? Was Elaine an American, or was she one of the many foreigners killed that day? Did she have any siblings? Was Elaine married, and if so, did she have any children? If her children were older, was Elaine a grandmother yet? Did she attend college after high school, and if so, was she leading a professional life in her chosen occupation? Or was Elaine a continuing education student like myself, searching for something that would give her life true gratification? What circumstances placed her on broad one of those jets or in one of those buildings that day? Did she suffer in her last moments on earth?

I thought about writing a letter to her family. I want them to know that even though Elaine and I never met, she has touched my heart.   I also want them to know that Elaine Cillo will never be forgotten, for I will carry her name with me always.

I posted this letter last year on an online tribute page for Elaine Cillo. I found out that she was a VP at Marsh Technology and Information Services and worked on the 97th floor of the north tower. She left behind a twin sister, Lynn Cillo-Capaldo.

Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 06/19/09 01:02 PM
RE: September 11, 2001 - where were you?
Posted Wednesday, June 10, 2009 02:49 AM

a monthy training day/safety day for my flight detachment at Ft Belvoir VA. Our first stop was a tour of the Davison Army Airfield control tower to see their operation and foster goodwill between air traffic controllers and pilots. and yes, it was a beautiful warm, dry, sunny autumn day in northern VA also.

Shortly after this visit began someone came up to the top level where we all were and turned on the TV.

the rest is history.

a little later we could see the black smoke to the north rising from the satanic arseholes who flew the plane into the Pentagon

Never takes long for America to forget the important shite. what? Brittney got her boobs out? lets go see that!

America what have you done


Edited 06/10/09 02:50 AM
RE: September 11, 2001 - where were you?
Posted Friday, July 17, 2009 05:14 PM

I was directing the early morning News in Buffalo NY.  I saw the planes hit from the network monitors of the NYC skycams.

We all thought some pilot really screwed up - then we saw the 2nd plane hit.  People from Buffalo were sent to NYC for rescue and news operations.

I thought it was funny that Bush ran and hid back here.

To put in bluntly - being in Buffalo and having it happen in the same state - was like being here and having it hit in Des Moines or Omaha.

