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Created on: 11/10/09 04:52 PM Views: 1295 Replies: 1
Posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:52 AM

...the Iowa Hawkeyes' never-say-die quarterback, Ricky Stanzi, lay in the end zone on my he's being helped off the field by fellow gridiron pals, I'm thinkin' Northwestern is the luckiest team on earth...Iowa always has the WORST luck against the Mildcats...probably will not make it to my sister Jill's place for Turkey Day, as she's a Northwestern me a wuss, yet I can't handle it, folks---takin' me longer with each passing year to get over a Hawkeye I've not had a beer in nearly a month and change, have dropped twenty pounds, and no longer have "puffy-face", to not drink after this defeat coulda been the biggest test if I were a sad drunk...if I were, I'd still be in Iowa City suckin' down the suds, phoning friends to feed my beloved cats on my extended weekend...they beat Ohio State this week, yeah---it's a Miller Lite night...........once again, will never forget how you were there for me on the heels of my mom's death...some of the messages I received were nothing short of incredible...back in the, love, love to all '79ers...

RE: heartbreaker...
Posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009 03:48 PM

God Bless ya bro!!! I too had a hard time with the loss. But, they have done better than anyone expected so hopefully we will play out the season respectfully...they deserve it for how they've hung in there! And your mom was a true sweet-heart without a doubt...I do feel for ya my friend!

