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A fellow WSH 79er needs our support

Created on: 03/16/10 12:58 PM Views: 1831 Replies: 3
A fellow WSH 79er needs our support
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2010 07:58 AM


Please join John and Trixie and pass on to all of our WHS freinds and family.  Thanks everyone. 

RE: A fellow WSH 79er needs our support
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2010 10:25 PM


I don't have facebook...what type of help do they need? I know, but I am sorta dumb...not like I'm telling any of our classmates something they don't already know. Remember, Ol' Jethro is sorta slow. I'm lucky to be able to post pictures on my site for God-sakes!


RE: A fellow WSH 79er needs our support
Posted Wednesday, March 17, 2010 06:57 AM

Sorry Matt I guess I should have considered that possibility that there were still folks not on FB.  John more than anything just needs our support and a few school friends showing up at the benefit would help tremendously.  A hug and knowing you have freinds that have your back means a lot of course a donation couldn't hurt either. 


Trixie Simpson was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer on 02-22-2010 and given a 2 - 4 month life expectancy without treatment. We ask for your presence in celebrating her life and raising money to help offset ongoing medical expenses. She is undergoing treatment at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center in Sioux City.
The benefit will be held Saturday April 3rd 1pm at the Mayflower church 1407 W 18th St Sioux City. 
RE: A fellow WSH 79er needs our support
Posted Friday, April 2, 2010 02:14 AM

Thanks for posting this, Steve.  For whatever reason, it didn't occur to me to post this myself....  Anyone that can attend or offer support, we really appreciate it.  There will be loud (live) auctions, silent auctions and raffles.  And of course, the pulled-pork sandwiches and taverns, with beverage, two sides and dessert ($5) for those who're hungry.  No charge for visiting, viewing or bidding... only if you want to eat.  Any donations would be GRATEFULLTY appreciated.  See the web address  listed above for details, or flier posted here (hopefully) otherwise.

THANKS!!! - John