Posted Tuesday, July 27, 2010 04:12 PM

Hi everyone!

I have been really busy this summer....dodging tornados in Iowa and Minnesota! I was asked by multiple people from the class of 80 to attend their reunion. I didn't go, because I am sure it would have pissed someone off and it was their time to remember...not mine! I did go visit some off them at their homes when they were in town at their request. It was fun shooting the breeze. They say they had the biggest turn out of any reunion??? 100 some odd people. How many did we have?  

They were really proud of their class...I don't blame them. I still think the 79ers were the all time women (not going to mention any names so I don't get into trouble) and just generally cool people! Everyone was special in their own way and had their own special talents! Me, I was good at Polish football in the library and gym class...ha, ha, ha!

The reunion was fun and went by too fast! Hope you all have many more happy, healthy & fun reunions and years to go!


Matt Max

P.S. Mike, put some picnic dates out there. My daughter has soccer all summer so I will see what I can do bro...thanks for the offer!!!