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Tommy Bolin

Created on: 05/29/09 05:08 AM Views: 1392 Replies: 3
Tommy Bolin
Posted Friday, May 29, 2009 12:08 AM

Brad Patton and Remi Gormally introduced me to Tommy Bolin music. Ol' Jethro never had  a clue about anything by himself! It was Brad that got the Post Toastie name for our championship basketball team. Post Toastie to this day is special to me! I ended up being friends with a guy from the media that did a story about Tommy and we became friends with the Bolin family. They were wonderful people...Mrs. Bolin always wanted to feed us and what a great cook! Post Toastie will always be a part of me for as long as I live! I have a copy of the DVD of the program that was on TV about Tommy in the 80s. I tried to cut a copy and it doesn't turn out well. Allot of the stuff is from the 70s. If I ever get time and someone would like to see the program I still have it!  

RE: Tommy Bolin
Posted Saturday, May 30, 2009 07:14 PM

I would love to see that

RE: Tommy Bolin
Posted Sunday, June 7, 2009 04:26 PM

Ah, Tommy Bolin, “Bustin' Out For Rosey”, “Homeward Strut”, “Gypsy Soul”, “Teaser”, and yes “Post Toastie”… I read your post earlier in the week, burned a new CD for the car, and left for work. It’s like a 20-30 minute drive to work, but driving home takes double that, and that’s only if the traffic is moving.

Anyways, leaving work and I’m just pulling on 101 when Post Toastie comes on. I hadn’t heard the song for years so I turn it up, way up. Long story short, I was pulling in the city 9 minutes later! One of the all time best drives ever.

I’d be interested in seeing that performance, bring it to the reunion (I’ll have my laptop.)


RE: Tommy Bolin
Posted Friday, July 17, 2009 05:24 PM

I have heard Tommy Bolin Played on the Radio in Buffalo, NY.    A good friend of mine in Buffalo - has a brother in NYC who loves Bolin.


Obviously - it wasn't just a home town connection that made him successful.