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Thanks to the Reunion Committee

Created on: 07/19/09 05:58 PM Views: 1444 Replies: 10
Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:58 PM

Thanks to the Reunion Committe for a wonderful time.  I enjoyed seeing everyone and you did everything right!

Informal was great since everyone could circulate and say hi to all their old friends. 

To all you who couldn't come, you missed a great time.

Thanks again!


RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 02:48 PM

I would like to add my thanks as well. I figured it would be a good time but it far exceeded my expectation.  I also think that the idea of this website and the way it was set up had alot to do with it, many people were able to get in touch with each other months before the reunion and get reaquainted through the site, many announcements were made and Bruce kept us entertained by his constant changing of the main page. This by far has to go down as one of the best reunions any school has ever had. I guess it just goes to show just how truely great the CLASS OF 79 was. You all did one hell of a job and I am sure put in many many hours of planning........WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!

Now to look forward to the future..

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 08:13 PM

how to sum it up...


wow, that was amazing.


that's a big thanks as well to the reunion committee. awesome work.

I could definitely do this every 5 years vice 10....or maybe on special occasions that pop up. hm, when do we turn 50? anyone? Bueller?



RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 09:35 PM

Bob I couldnt agree more, 10 years now it quite a long time so if anyway we could do it every 5 that would be awesome. I know for those of you that live out of town that would be a little tougher but just remember how much fun you just had, and remember things get better with age. So just imagine how much fun it would be in 5 years, I know it will be hard to top this one but I am sure we would give it the "Old West High Class of 79'" try. Just food for thought.
RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:32 PM

I really enjoyed my self and got to see people I haven't seen in years and Yes Thanks to the The ones who put this all together. I am really glad I went and sorry I couldn't come the second night but My Daughters Fair Queen stuff and Fair I needed to do with her But I wish I could of come both nights ... 


RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Monday, July 20, 2009 06:53 AM

From the bottom of my heart, I love you all.

Thanks again for the perfect weekend.


Peace be the journey my friends

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Monday, July 20, 2009 06:55 AM

The committee did a great job putting us all in the same area and gaining momentum with this web site thanks to everyone.  I agree on the 5 year span between reunions for the next few because i did notice a few of you might not make it another 10.  God bless you all and I can't tell you how much fun it was reminiscing and reaquanting with old (and I do mean old) freinds. It was almost surreal stepping into BA's that Saturday afternoon and seeing Barnes, Isaacson, Bogard, Cole, Freyer, Kutz, Anderson and Thompson all sitting around having beers and pizza.  I just wanted to Hug everyone!!!!  If I missed you I appologize and promise to catch you next time.  What a great Class and what classy people I am proud to still call my freinds after all these year.  I love you all!!! 

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Monday, July 20, 2009 09:13 AM


You've all said it already.  I second that emotion! 

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Wednesday, July 22, 2009 04:35 PM

Haven't really been on this site, have done some reading of the topics, but I have to say a huge thank you to the reunion committe.  This was the first reunion I wasn't able to participate in helping to get up and running and I was sad about that, but you guys did great!  This website is the bomb as well!  Thank you again so much.  I had a great time, hard to come home and leave it all behind!  Definitely think we should consider doing this sooner than 10 years!

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Thursday, July 23, 2009 09:23 PM

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who traveled from out of town to be here for the reunion.  It was a huge commitment from all of you to be here and the reunion wouldn't have been what it was without you!!!

RE: Thanks to the Reunion Committee
Posted Sunday, July 26, 2009 09:49 AM

I am so glad I had another reason to visit my favorite town! Michael and I had such a great time. I so love being home with my peeps! I was happy to show Michael what great people come from Iowa, he had a great time and he hardly knew anyone. Thank you for all of your hard work, it really paid off. Everyone looked so good, it's hard to believe we are pushing 50. We have to do this again in five years, life it too short.

