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Post reunion get togethers

Created on: 07/20/09 03:21 AM Views: 1510 Replies: 13
Post reunion get togethers
Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:21 PM

Ok now that we have had the prerunion meetings and the actual reunion I was wondering how much interest there would be in some post reunion get togethers. Now that we have all become reaquainted with each other I dont see any reason why we would need to keep waiting for reunions to get together. I know that school will be starting soon and some of you youngsters that still have kids in school will be getting busy once again with school functions, so I was thinking maybe once a month or so we could pick a place to hang out and just keep in better contact with each other. I have no idea how much longer this site will be up and running, I hope for a long time, so anyone interested can either mail me here or at my email and we can maybe do this. I know my wife and I had awesome time and we dont want to wait for another 5 or 10 years. As some one told me last night "we are not getting any youger" so I say lets keep in touch.
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Wednesday, July 22, 2009 08:15 PM

I have a couple of buddy passes for flight within Alaska on my airline, in case anyone is thinking of coming up. I get two of these per year.

Alaska is wide open for any post-reunion get togethers of course. If you get up to the Anchorage area do not forget to call ahead of time! We'll take care of ya.


Oh, I ran into Pat Zemanek's mom on my flight home, it was on the SUX to MSP leg on Mesaba. Had a nice chat with her and told her Pat missed one helluva reunion. She was on the way up to SE Alaska to see Pat. She had to fly four legs or so and then the final one by float plane to Pat's. I need to get there myself soon as well. 

Come to think of it....gathering at Pat's lodge !!!



Edited 07/22/09 08:16 PM
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Thursday, July 23, 2009 08:09 AM


If you have children of a certain age, getting together during the school year is harder than during the summer.  However, I did have a thought...

Sept 25th is North vs. West in football (at Olson...i.e. Roberts)...might be an opportunity to tailgate with our friends from North before and after the game or go out after...or something.  I see a lot of West grads like me who have kids at North (and vice versa) so a lot of us will be at the game anyway.  That's just off the top of my head.

Also...the committee will be wanting to know when/what/how/when we do our next "real" reunion.  You can shoot us a note via the "contact us" link if you have ideas on that.  Someone mentioned some "inbetween" yearly get togethers possibly at Saturday in the Park.  Mozak might be able to get us a designated area maybe.  I liked that idea.  I am sure you guys have others.


RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Friday, July 24, 2009 07:21 AM

Bruce Zook wrote:

Sept 25th is North vs. West in football (at Olson...i.e. Roberts)...might be an opportunity to tailgate with our friends from North before and after the game or go out after...or something.  I see a lot of West grads like me who have kids at North (and vice versa) so a lot of us will be at the game anyway.

Also...the committee will be wanting to know when/what/how/when we do our next "real" reunion.  You can shoot us a note via the "contact us" link if you have ideas on that.  Someone mentioned some "inbetween" yearly get togethers possibly at Saturday in the Park.  Mozak might be able to get us a designated area maybe.  I liked that idea.  I am sure you guys have others.

Sgt. Hulka,

First the North-West football game in the fall . . . I'll be there. We should see which school can get more classmates there. Maybe hang the banners along the fence from both schools. Wouldn't the students be surprised if we all broke into our 79 chant between theirs.

Second, if we could get a bunch of WHS (& NHS) classmates up at SITP, not only would I designate an area, I'd purchase the overhead banner and put it up myself. Maybe a nice shaded area in the second beer tent.

And to everyone else. I don't know about the rest of you but I had a hell of a time getting back to reality Monday morning. However I knew things were getting back to normal when Julie sent me to the basement with a mop & bucket to clean up our cat's hair ball mess. Life is good!



Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 07/24/09 08:35 AM
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Friday, July 24, 2009 11:21 AM

Bruce  excellant idea, I knew we kept you around for something,.lol. I am all for making an announcement so people can start making plans for that weekend. Would be cool to go back and relive some of those friday night saturday afternoon highschool clashes between north and west. So I say lets go for it and make the committment now.


Marc that is also one hell of an idea to get us all together every year and people could plan for it since it is always the same weekend every  year. And the bonus would be if you could really get Mr. Thomson to perform on that day like he said, if he remembers anyway. So lets announce that also and see how much interest we can get

Bruce if I can come up with any bright ideas (i can hear my wife now and some of you that know me saying "it is about time")about future reunions I will certainly let  you all know.

Bruce one thing you can do is put up a poll and ask when during the year would work best for everyone to have the next reunion.

Edited 07/24/09 02:56 PM
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Friday, July 24, 2009 04:42 PM


Here's a place where we could all meet.

This Todd guy . . . his head is HUGE !!!

Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 07/24/09 04:44 PM
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Friday, July 24, 2009 08:39 PM

Marc I will take your suggestion to the post reunion committee and put it to a vote. Sounds like might be a fun road trip to me.
RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 05:57 PM


I got a place up there we could have a fish fry and go to the concert.  Some thing to think about.  Let me know what ya all think!


RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 08:26 PM

Dan that might be one hell of an idea I know I would like to do it,, so how many others would like to go. When do we need to let you know for sure Dan?

RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 10:15 PM

I'll be there for sure Saturday Aug 8 just need to know a Head Count.  If that's what ya all want to do.  Feel like I danced to much and didn't get to talk with alot of ya.  I am going to have a lot of family members there but their cool and ready for a fish fry!

The concert starts around 7 oclock come on up around 3. Drink some beers and eat some fish. Lot 107 Smith Trailer court across from the Wharf.  Right after you cross the bridge dividing east and west Lakes.

RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Monday, July 27, 2009 11:50 PM

Sounds like a plan to me Dan, the wife and I are really considering it just need to work out a few things here. I will let you know in the next couple days for sure. And like you I think i spent more time dancing than talking, specially on friday night. And little things like this will really keep us in touch with each other.



RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Tuesday, July 28, 2009 02:49 AM

I'll be at West Okoboji in August, around the 11th thru the 18th, with my daughter. 

just a little late summer vacation etc. 

I will be consuming mass quantities of Tanguerays&Tonics on the beach so bring the limes



RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2009 08:18 AM

I'll discuss with Jules & get back with you Danny. I really want to attend the concert and the fish fry sounds good.


Peace be the journey my friends

RE: Post reunion get togethers
Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2009 02:53 PM

Marc Mozak wrote:


Here's a place where we could all meet.


From: david bernstein
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Big Head Todd and the Monsters Cancelled

Bummer news, on wed at the wrap up meeting i mentioned that Big Head Todd and the Monsters were playing for free in Arnolds Park early next month.  unfortunately they just cancelled this date, as Brian Nevin, their drummer, has a medical condition that needs immediate attention.  hopefully he will be ok and we wish him well and are super bummed that they won't be playing this free gig, as it would have been very very cool.  sorry for the bad news, hoping to reschedule this next year.  -db

so much for meeting at Arniolds Park for a free concert.


Peace be the journey my friends

Edited 07/29/09 02:56 PM