In Memory

Werner John Galowitch

Werner John Galowitch

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05/05/13 12:26 PM #1    

Sharry Rugendorf (Falcon)

Werner was a very special person.  He didn't walk a straight line. However, he was loved by all and was one of a kind.

Werner was a Lincolnwood boy.  He married Barbara Swento, daughter to the owners of the Lincolnwood bakery.

They were married in 1969 and had one son.  A few years later Barbara threw him out filed for divorce and went for sole custody. It was a battle and Werner became very depressed. He loved his son and was a great dad.

Im not sure or just don't remember if Werner went to college, got thrown out of college or dropped out of college. However, at the tenth reunion Werner was running a construction team,. He was very happy, very fat, and liked to drink. He hadn't changed, since senior year of high school.  For those of you who don't remember, Werner didn't graduate with us.  He threw up in the water fountain durning graduation practice and was escorted out of the building.

Sometime in 197? Werner had a terrible accident.  He either fell off a ladder or roof and totaled his back.  He became very ill and was in constant pain. Between the divorce and the accident Werner became more of who he was in high school.  He was the life of the party, a good friend, and care free.

the last time I was Werner was at the 30 th high school reunion.  He came in late,  very drunk, and wanted to dance with Rodnick and me.  We had both been friends with him through the last few years and loved him to death.  When we said we did not want to dance and wanted to get him coffee, he became upset.  He jumped on the round table, on top of the dishes and glassware, and tried to dance to the 60s rock music.  When he started to take off his clothes Sharon and I grabbed him.  We dragged him to a corner and wanted him to sleep it off. Since he was bigger then both of us....we just left him to fall down.

Werner was the showing up at events.  He never missed a reunion. He never missed a party. He never had a problem with authority, he just did what he wanted.. Werner was a good son to his mother, A good dad to his son and a good friend.  Werner was also a lost soul.  He died to young.

Werner died a few years after our 30 th reunion.  He never recovered from the fall and lived in constant pain.  He was one of my favorites. He always made me laugh..  I miss you and know that you and Sharon will some how be present at the 50 th.  see you then and keep your clothes on.  Sharry


07/28/15 06:38 PM #2    

Susie Gallowich (Mogdans)

Werner Galowitch lived in Skokie. He was the beloved father of Neil, loving son of Mavis and the late Werner, dear brother of Pamela (Anders) Lundsberg. Services for Werner were private.

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