In Memory

Irving Kravitz VIEW PROFILE

Irving Kravitz

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02/26/14 08:58 AM #1    

Scott Mermel

Irv was a wild, fun-loving guy who had the courage to do things when we were growing up that I didn't.  I wasn't that close with him, but I do remember him sneaking us up to his attic and showing Rich Zaitlen and me our first "porn" film (grainy, black and white, and I'm still not sure we really understood what we saw).  I'm saddened to hear of his passing.

03/11/14 02:00 AM #2    

Richard Zaitlen

Irving and I became friends at Lincoln Hall in 7th grade. We played endless one-on-one basketball and any other activity that kept us outside. If it rained or the temperature was below -30 degrees (this IS Chicago after all) we played pool or pin ball at Gaby Hartnets bowling alley.

Our 8th science grade teacher, "Uncle Waldren" showed us the miracles of science by throwing a piece of pure sodium metal into a puddle of water.---which lead to a huge explosion!

 From then on Irv and I made "rockets" and other pyrotechnical devices...."for experimental  use only" and part of our scientific training....yea right.

We had a care-free, Leave-it-to-Beaver kind of time together, and did all those things that boys did when they were 12+ through high school. Nothing of any consequence (e.g. reading Mad magazine in class, ditching school ,but learning about statistics at Wrigley Field, etc.) but great laughs all the same.

Apparently Scott Mermel  remembers a dirty movie shown at Irv's house and , while I have no recollection, I am happy to accept it as true.

Irv, I am very sorry to hear of your passing.

If there is a heaven, I know that you will be having a great time there.


 Your bud




03/11/14 11:23 PM #3    

Marvin Irving Blusteln

I seem to remember Waldren smoking in class.  He always had the window open, so that if he heard any one at the door he would flick his cigarette out the window.

03/12/14 04:38 PM #4    

Sharry Rugendorf (Falcon)

The name Irving Kravitz sounds like it should be the name of a cartoon character. However, our Irving Kravitz was a human character. He wasn't afraid of anything, took dares, and pushed the limits. I liked that about him. I spent some time with him in detention. I liked sitting between him, Scott Thorton, and Glen Franknuch. They were all very cute guys and fun. I wanted as many detentions as I could get. When the teachers saw us together, the phase used, was here comes trouble. 

I haven't thought about Irving since 8 th grade. I'm not sure why his death is bothering me.  I just remember he smiled out of the side of his mouth when he saw me.  I'm thinking 54 years later, that maybe he liked me, or wasn't sure if I was Donna.  He could never tell us apart.

Irving played on the basketball team. However, I'm sure he wasn't an Imperial. If you need to know what an Imperial didn't lgo to Lincoln Hall.  Irving you were fun and will be missed by many, especially the 7 th grade boys you shared your porn magazines with.

i just found out that Irving died Dec. 17, 2009 and that he lived in Texas.

03/13/14 10:15 AM #5    

Peter Arthur Tortorice

Irving was an unique guy. He had quite an imagination and he was up for any thing. He was my main source for fireworks during my grade school years. So sorry he is no longer with us.

Re: The Irving did not make the cut; but John Barrack, Lenny Roos and Bob Velen did.

03/24/14 02:19 PM #6    

Marilyn Alice Cole, Mt (Bolgioni)

About a year ago I found an old tape recording that I had made on my reel to reel recorder back in the 60's.  Irv Kravitz's voice was on it!  Little did I know at the time that Irv had passed away sometime back.  I miss Irv and I wish I could see and talk to him again.....he was very funny and he had a good sense of humor!  He was a character!  R.I.P. Irv!

03/25/14 09:58 AM #7    

Stanton Michael Levin

For those interested, the tour of Jane Stenson will be at 1 pm on Friday June 27th.

12/21/15 10:34 AM #8    

Robert Mark Ross

I really did not know Irving very well, but he was a constant topic of discussion among my close friends in high school. He did all the things we considered doing but were too timid to try. Despite being a little crazy, he was remarkably successful dating girls we were afraid to approach and having a sex life that prabably still eludes us. He wasn't "bad" or a trouble maker; he just enjoyed being outrageous and going placing we loved to hear about but could not least while wearing bleeding Madras shirts and a slide rule on our belts.

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