In Memory

Mr. Henry Wozniacki (Teacher-Sgs)


UNKNOWN AUTHOR: 7 th grade English teacher- Mr. Wozniacki, died on Thanksgiving day and was only 51. -He was my favorite teacher growing up! -He was a real fan of Edgar Allan Poe! Its so sad to lose such a great teacher. Thanks for replying. Debbie Way Mr. Woz! He was the greatest. One of the few bright spots in the jr.-high-hell that was SGS... Michelle Paysen-Williams He was the best teacher I think I ever had.I remember him teaching about Edgar Allen Poe- never had so much fun! DARLENE METALLO He was my favorite teacher too! Thats so sad. He was the most fun and interesting teacher I've had. SUZAN ATATIMUR How sad. He was an awesome teacher. I had such an appreciation of Edgar Allen Poe because of him. He was gifted, and I recall very straight forward with his students. I liked him. His enthusiasm for Poe stands out in my sounds like he touched many lives.... MARY TOTH Hi, I just read about Mr. W. I went to SGS in 72 and 73. Was he the BIG teacher who had a great sense of humor. He wore glasses and used to put kids in the trash can if they got on his nerves (and if they could fit.) Is he the one you're talking about. If he is, I'm really sad to hear the news. So sorry. He was a great teacher -- very inspiring. CHRISTINA TOTH The enthusiasm that he had for Edgar Allen Poe was unbelievable. He was one of my favorite teachers ever. May his soul rest in peace, he is probably up there talking to Edgar himself now. Edward Spitzer He was such a great guy! Any of us who had him, WILL NEVER FORGET HIM! He made literature come alive!! I will always remember his readings of Edgar Allan Poe He raised the bar at SGS! Made me appreciate oh so much! And MR. CLARK! Anyone up for a CLARK BAR!!! THEIR GREATNESS MADE A DIFFERENCE! He is not a LOSS we all DIE! LETS JUST SMILE At HIS SAINTNESS WHICH MADE US ALL APPRECIATE GREAT WORKS!!!! P.S. I DIDN'T GIVE A **** ABOUT ENGLISH TILL HIS INFLUENCE MADE ME!!! WHAT A LEGEND!!! long liVE MR. WOZ! I AM GLAD THEY HONORED HIM by naming the road by sgs after him! He MADE US BETTER PEOPLE!!!! THANKS WOZ U ALWAYS MADE THE EFFORT/;DIFFERENCE TO ALL OF US/ UR STUDENTS!!! HAIL To HIM

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08/01/15 05:11 AM #1    

Denise Woodard (Williams) (1977)

Wow!  So sad to hear of his death. He taught you and made you smile, in the process.  That ring turned around and tapped on the head, of an unruly boy.  That was first time I ever saw someone do that one.  Taking time out to just converse and share, was not a problem.   Since leaving SGS, There were only a few teachers I truly often thought of, Mr. Woz and Mr. Hill, were my all time favorites.

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