In Memory

Joseph Kniffin VIEW PROFILE

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08/30/09 09:28 PM #1    

Annette Valim (Choate)

I remember Joey in 4-6th at El verano. He and Freddy Gomez would ride their bikes all over. He rode his bike over to my house asnd asked if I would go steady in 4th grade and I said I'll ask Mom and she told him to go home.
He was always trying to kiss the girls and have a steady girlfriend. We'll miss you this reunion...

10/19/09 09:22 AM #2    

Iris Reyes

It was more in the late 80's and early 90's, that I got to really know Joe. Was honored to attend his wedding to Karen, meet his family and hers as well. We went to a few concerts at together at Buena Vista Winery. Joe and Karen had the best Holiday Party's and last reunion Val Hagerty and I sat with Joe and Karen.
He may be gone (much to soon) but his sweet smile and kind ways will always be remembered.

Iris Reyes

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