In Memory

Cookie Watt (Wilson)

Cookie Watt (Wilson)

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10/05/14 04:06 PM #1    

Diane Meadows (Hitt)

I am so sorry and saddened to hear of Cookie's passing.  I was looking forward to seeing or talking with her  some time while I am in South Charleston next week  One of the very nicest eagles at SCHS. We will truly miss her our next reunion which she has given so much hard work.  God bless her son and family.

Diane Meadows Hitt 

10/06/14 01:54 AM #2    

Lynn Raymond Wilbur

I miss Cookie and her death closes a door to the world of fourty five speed records of Elvis and watching Mickey Mouse club and boys walking on one side of Ohio St. and girls on the other. How large Spring Hill Jr. High seemed and dodge ball burns in gym. The slides at Rock Lake pool and the sound of coal trains passing regularly. Playing quietly as neighbors Dads were sleeping on swing shift and running behind the spray trucks fog of DTT down the alley. Picking cat tails to dry for Bible School and passing the churches on Sunday night with the sound of hymn singing and hellfire preaching. Cookie was the only SCHS friend I called regularly after retirement. We talked of family, grandkids, her working part time during tax months, and hopes and sadnesses. Her Heath failed but she bounced back. She was glad to be independent again but her kidney failure tied her down. She is in God's love

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