In Memory

Bonnie Wallace (Girardet)

Bonnie Lynne Girardet passed away on Saturday, March 27, 2010, after a long battle with Pick's disease.

Girardet was born Bonnie Lynne Wallace on September 18th, 1944, in Evanston, Illinois.  Her parents were Tom and Betty Wallace.  Their family moved to South Pasadena, California in 1948.  Bonnie graduated from U.C. Berkeley in 1967, with a major in anthropology and went on to meet and marry Philippe Girardet in 1968.

The couple moved to Oregon in 1969, and together they planted a vineyard in 1971 and started a family.  In 1982 they built their own winery and entered the wine business.  In 2005, Bonnie and Philippe were awarded the Founder's Award from the Oregon Winegrowers Association for long-time service to the industry.  She served as manager and president of the winery until 2006.  She was also active in the local winegrowers association.  Her father, Tom, was a WW II veteran and she was known for being a huge supporter of all veterans.

Bonnie is survived by her husband Philippe, five children, and three grandchildren.  Bonnie will be remembered as being a loving wife and mother.  She always had a cheerful attitude and a great level of generosity and self-sacrifice.  She will be missed by all who knew her.

South Pasadena Review, April 7, 2010
