How To Use This Site

Read this page, find out how to join, make a profile and how to use this site.

 This is the Official Website of the
 South Pasadena High School-Class of 1972

You never pay to create a profile or to access other alumni profiles.

Please Note: If you register, you agree to our Guidelines and Website Rules on this page.

Click On A Blue Link Below To Find Answers:
(Click on "Click Here to Return to Top of Page" to return to this section)


Legal Notice

This is a private website only for the Class of '72! If you want to interact with alumni from other class years, you can register at the ALL-YEARS website at:  It is "open access" which allows easy communication among other class years and registered alumni. It does not require a private access password before you can register, as this website does.






When you register, enter your home
mailing address & phone number(s).
Please enter your complete home mailing address including zip code and your telephone number(s), even if you live outside of the United States. If in the U.S.A. you will receive a FREE annual copy of Tiger News the next time it is mailed.

YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION-KEEP US UP TO DATE: If your email address, snail mail address, or phone number changes, please make updates by using the MEMBER FUNCTIONS menu, then select "Edit Contact Info". Please add your own updates or changes rather than asking us to do it.

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1) First click on the Classmate Profiles link, located at the top left menu on any page. It will take you to a no-access log on page. Use the bottom box to send a request message for a system password. Provide your name, address and phone number.  The password will be sent within 24 hours or less.
2) Return to the same page and enter the system password on the far right side (see illustration below).  Click through to the next page which will have your classmate names, including yours.
3) Find your name and click on it.  You will see "JOIN HERE" and right below it you will see "Click Here Now to complete your Profile".
4) Follow the prompts to create your Profile. The password that you create and enter during this process will be used as your Log On password.

Personalize Your Own Page with information such as: what you have been up to since graduation, school memories, your family, and photos. 

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IMPORTANT! RECEIVING MESSAGES: In order to make sure you recieve all of your classmate and website messages do this right away:

By adding the name: SPHS72 and the email address of: as a friendly email sender you are Whitelisting. Put this name and email address in your email "Address Book" just like you'd add any friend. For more details on whitelisting for different email providers, click on the link below which will take you to our sister website:
Make sure that you if you use any of the instructions on the Whitelisting Page that you replace with for our website.
(Don't click reply or try to email us at It will bounce back to you. "Noreply" tells your email provider we are not sending you spam. To respond, use the reply email link located at the bottom of emails you receive from us or click on "Contact Us".












































PRIVACY: If you want to keep your information private, check mark "Profile Visibility" and uncheck "Contact Details" at the bottom of your profile. You can also leave your information public.


Click here to access your privacy settings at the bottom of your profile page.


If you keep your contact information private, all contact information that you enter into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed except with your reunion class representatives. 


Your contact information is private!

Your address and phone number can't be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is whatever information you choose to put on your Profile page. 

Your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page.  Note, however, if you send a message to someone through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address and they can respond.

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PASSWORD RETRIEVAL: Can't remember your password? Find the Log On box on the home page. Click on "Forgot Password?" It's just above the green Log On button. Enter your Log On Email Address on the next page. Your password will be sent to your email inbox. You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your email address and password.

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EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGED since you joined the website? Use your old email address to log in. Then go to your MEMBER FUNCTIONS section (on the left side menu) and update your Primary Email address by editing your "Contact Info" page. You may then also change your password by clicking on "Change Password" found on the same menu.
If you have forgotten your log on email or can no longer receive email at that address to be sent the password, use "Contact Us" for help resetting your access.

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CAN'T FIND YOUR NAME on the Classmate Profiles page?

Click on Contact Us <---here or at the top of any page.

To have your name added:

Send your full name, current home address and phone number.

We may ask you for more details to set up your page before you can join. We welcome classmates who went to school with us during the 7th-12th grades and did not graduate with us.


Always check back on the HOME PAGE, where
new information and announcements are made.










































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When you first register you have a choice to “Subscribe to Profiles”. If you subscribe you receive birthday notices and profile page updates of all those you have selected. If you are receiving too many, then most likely you did not notice the choices available and selected “ALL”.
Here is how you can easily fix it.....

Log on to the website. Find “MEMBER FUNCTIONS" on the left menu and select "Profile Subscription".

The next page shows names in YELLOW on the left side and SELECTED names on the right side.

Scroll down and you will see the words: “You are currently subscribed to ______ profiles”. If this is a large number, you’ve just verified the problem you want to resolve.

SCROLL DOWN: to the very bottom of the page. There are two buttons. CLICK on the very last button which  says, "Unsubscribe from All Profiles in All Years".

This will remove all of the names on the right side that you are subscribed to.

FINALLY: scroll half way up the page to the words "Show Classmates from:" and select just your class year.  Now, only your classmates names will show up in the yellow section on the left side. Select “ALL” or only check mark the ones you are interested in.  They will now show up on the right side in the white section. You can select as many as you want or none at all.

If you have further questions or need personal assistance please click on “Contact Us”

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These are other FAQs which answer many questions pertaining to the use of this site. You can click on a question and that will take you right to the answer.

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This is my first visit to the website.  How do I login?

Click on "Contact Us" and send a request for the website system password. Include your full name, address and phone number for verification of who you are. The password should be sent to your email inbox within 24 hours.
Follow the first time logon instructions so you can go through the registration steps. 
Provide your work or home e-mail address, select a password (which you can change at any time), provide your home mailing address and a home and or cell phone number. This contact information is required for membership but can be kept private from anyone registered or from the public by selecting the appropriate choices at the bottom of your profile set up page.
Then, tell us about your life since you graduated from South Pasadena High School (or moved away).  Add your married name, if applicable, photos, etc. (This information is not required)



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Who has access to my "Classmate Profile" and personal contact information?
You can choose whether your "Classmate Profile" is publicly viewable on the website (e.g., by other classes, friends, and the general public) or restricted to registered SPHS72 Classmates only.
If restricted, search engines and the general public will be blocked from accessing your Classmate Profile page.  You can also choose whether or not your mailing address and phone number are displayed; otherwise, only the City and State/Country where you live will be listed if you type it in the profile section, at the top of the page. 
Click on the "Edit Profile" link under the Member Functions menu at the left side column, then scroll down to the bottom of the page to make your choice.  You can select these choices during your initial registration or you can change them at any time by going to the bottom of your profile page:
Below is a preview of what the bottom of the profile page selections look like:



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Can I be notified if other Classmates update their "Classmate Profile"?

YES!  Click on "Classmate Profiles", then find the name of the Classmate you'd like to keep track of.  If he/she has registered, his/her profile will be displayed.
Scroll down to the bottom of his/her profile page, click on the box that says "Notify me whenever [Classmate's] profile is updated", and click on the "Notify Me" button.  You will be notified by e-mail. 
You can also subscribe to multiple classmates or all classmates by using the "Profile Subscriptions" link in your Member Functions area.












































Does the public or other Classmates have access to my e-mail address?
No.  To protect your privacy, your work or home e-mail address is stored only within the website, so Classmates can send you a private Message.  You can decide who you want to provide your own e-mail address to. 
To check if you've received any new messages, click on the "Check Messages" under the Member Functions menu in the side column. 



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What are examples of the e-mails that I may be sent?
You will be e-mailed information about new website features; details about upcoming class reunions, fundraisers, or events; general announcements about classmates; and other important news.










































Can I post my own photos or videos on the website?

YES!  You can upload a current photo of yourself, your family, pets, vacations, old photos from days gone by, past reunions, etc. -- anything you want to share -- by clicking on "Edit/Upload Photos" under the Member Functions menu on the left.
There is no set limit (at this time) on the number of digital photos that you can store on your "Classmate Profile" page.  Each photo is automatically resized to fit on your Profile page.  You can also upload your own videos that you've posted to by clicking on the "Classmate Profiles" link, then following the instructions.  And yes, you can add, delete, or replace your own photos or videos at any time.
NOTE: Inappropriate pictures, postings, comments or videos, may be deleted by the website administrator(s) at their discretion. Notification from the administrator is not required. If you become aware of something inappropriate please click on "Contact Us" to notify us.



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How does the "Tiger Talk Forum" work?

Click on "Tiger Talk Forums" at the left side menu and you can interact with your fellow classmates when they login and read the "Tiger Talk Forums".  Post a response to a prior message or start your own topic of conversation by asking a question, re-living an old memory, or share your stories or thoughts on life.
NOTE: Inappropriate postings or comments may be deleted by the website administrator(s) at their discretion. Please let's keep this a clean site!



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Does Class Creator rent, sell, or in any way profit from having our Classmates' names, addresses, and personal information?  How does it make its money?

No.  Class Creator (the host of our website) does not rent or sell any Classmate information or engage in any marketing or solicitation to our alumni.  All personal contact information is held strictly confidential.  Class Creator does not sell advertising on the website or display banner ads or pop-up windows. 
Class Creator does sell domain name registrations to Classes or High School Alumni Groups through its subsidiary for $19 per year, but using that service is optional.  This website is owned by our Alumni Association--not by Class Creator. Some classes have their own personal website they built using the ClassCreator system.



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What is the purpose of this website?
This site has been created for three purposes:
1) It connects alumni and friends who would have graduated from SPHS had they not moved away, with their classmates in order to have reunions. 
2) It re-establishes old friendships. Anyone that graduated may want to reconnect with others even if they are not planning to attend an upcoming reunion. This gives those individuals that option.
3) It encourages alumni to join and support the South Pasadena High School Alumni Association.



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Can I join the site even if I don't plan attend the reunion?

Yes. Even if you do not plan to attend upcoming reunions, it is hoped that there are old friends on this site that you would like to reconnect with and for that purpose you can still join the site.



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Can I volunteer to help with the reunion?

Yes. Volunteers will be necessary to make sure that our reunion is a success. In addition we are always looking for volunteers for the annual All-Alumni Picnic Reunions held in June at Garfield Park and the 10-Year Grand Reunions. Please click on "Contact Us" if you wish to voluteer.



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If you register you agree to these rules and guidelines:

ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS: The website administrator(s) retain the right to edit or remove any inappropriate content, photos, suggestive sexual content or improper language without notice. Anyone who is abusive, or posts any perceived inappropriate content on their personal page or in any form to other classmates or causes any perceived level of distress will be warned once. If there are additional problems caused by the same offender, they will be disallowed complete access to our website. Please.....lets keep this a CLEAN and enjoyable site for everyone.
Photos: Please note that posting of photos (whether excessive or not) may be limited at any time due to server storage limits that may be placed on our site. The website administrator may edit the number of photos on any individual profile page. Normally notification will be given.


  • Email addresses contained on this site are to be used only for reunion activities and networking with alumni and are not to be included in any mailing lists for sending "forwards", spam, solicitations, and other junk mailings. Please notify us of any infringements of this policy.
While many of our alumni have exciting products or publications to share and may do so on their own Classmate Profile, this website is not a forum for advertising and does not accept material from commercial ventures. We do not permit use of the announcements feature and/or individual private messages for promotional or proselytizing purposes.  Please use “Contact Us” to report suspected infringements of this policy.
If you receive SOLICITATION EMAILS from any commercial, for profit websites, who seem to be us, be assured that they are NOT AFFILIATED with our website and not approved by us. Some alumni have mistakenly paid to sign up believing these other sites are affiliated with us. Our site is free! is the only official South Pasadena High School - Class of 1972 website and we work directly with our sister website which is the All-Alumni website operated by the South Pasadena High School Alumni Association.
Our website email notices only come from the administrator using or

LEGAL NOTICE: Information on this website is personal and not authorized for business or for profit purposes. You may not use information for mailing lists. Only alumni of the South Pasadena High School are authorized to share and use this information for personal, non-profit and reunion use. Anyone not given explicit access and authorized in writing by the website administrator to access or use site information will be notified and prosecuted swiftly (if necessary) by our legal council for any misuse of this information. This web site is the property of the South Pasadena High School - Class of 1972, Administered by Bruce Eskander, Copyright 2008-2012

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Thank you for your participation and cooperation  



  • This is a private site just for the Class of '72! If you want to also interact with alumni from other class years, you can register at the ALL-YEARS website at:  It is an "open access website". This allows easy communication among other class years and registered alumni. It does not require a private access password before you can register.

  • PRIVACY: All contact information that you enter into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your information is private, your address and home phone number can’t be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your profile.  When someone clicks on your name they will only see your yearbook picture (if available), your city, province/state and whatever personal information you choose to put into your profile.

    ** If you send a message to someone through their profile they will see your email address so that they can respond.

If you have any questions please feel free to click on the “Contact Us” button.

Enjoy the website!

Bruce Eskander

SPHS72 Website Administrator



Thank you for your cooperation  



