In Memory


Jim Culver - June 6, 1957 to November 15, 2020 - Colorado City, Colorado

Jim Culver, my friend passed away yesterday in his sleep. I became friends with Jim in 7th grade. We used to love to play fight and lift weights and dance with his sister and sister's friends to the Jackson Five. We became inseparable for nearly three years. We were as close to brothers as one can be without actually sharing blood. We sorta drifted apart in later years, girlfriends etc. ... but always were there for each other.

Jim was a kind soul, he loved animals and left behind his old pittie, Buster Brown.

Jim was always healthy and physically fit. He stayed that way for his remaining life. He looked younger than he was. Probably that Colorado air. I believe he also boxed In the Golden Gloves for several years.

See you in Paradise!!

Rest in peace my Brother!!!

JC Parman


Jim is survived by his sisters, Terry Culver and Christa Naville.

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11/17/20 07:29 AM #1    

Buddy Anderson

Sorry 'bout your pal, JC. Didn't cross paths too much with Jim, but always looked like a cool dude from afar. There's a saying from a southwestern tribe, that, when you say someone's name, you briefly bring them back to life, if only momentarily....Jim Culver.

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