Photos Before 1967

This section is for pre-high school photos of the classmates.  If anyone has any elementary class pictures they would like to post, please contact the site administrators and we can arrange to post them.

Help with identifying the students in the  photos is needed.  Some of the people have been identified.  Some have a name with a (?) where the name isn't certain.

Please look over the photos and if you can identify yourself or other people, send an e-mail to Marc Martyn with the information.  Let's put some names to the faces.


 P.M. Kindergarten, Mrs. Johnson
Whitworth Elementary 1956-57

Front Row (L-R): Dick Miller, Patty Wade, Barry?, Robert Cleaf

Second Row: (?), Joyce Gull, (?), Cindy Burns,  (?), (?), Greg Kapfer, Robin Gray

Third Row: Gene Peterson, (?), (?), Mrs. Johnson, (?), (?), Dan Koehler

 1st Grade, Mrs. Simpson
Whitworth Elementary 1957-58

Front Row (L-R): Sandra ?, Cheryl Cockburn, Mary Lou ?

Second Row: Ray Eickstadt, Pat Coker, (?), (?), Jopie Berkers, Wendy Dahlgren

Third Row: (?), (?), (?), Greg Baber, Larry Gilbert, (?), (?), (?), Patsy Altringer, Robin Gray

Fouth Row: Mrs. Simpson, Sandra Black, Randy Dahl, Cindy Burns, Dave Dilworth, Allan Coller, Verna ?, (?) 

2nd Grade, Mrs. Zalak
Whitworth Elementary 1958-59

Front, holding sign (?)

First Row: Bill Martin, Robin Gray, Mike Armstrong, Mike Moore, Dan Koehler, Roger Libby, Allen Rummer

Second Row: Patti Horak, Laurie Wiley?, Patsy Altringer, (?), Patty Olson, Sandra Black, Joyce Gull, Sharon Keller, Mary Lou ?

Third Row: Bill Oliver, Doug Taylor, Allan Collar, John Wilson, Gene Peterson, Tim Johnson, Ray Eikstadt,

Mrs. Zalak 

3rd Grade, Mrs. Robinson
Whitworth Elementary 1959-60

Front Row (L-R): Patty Wade, (?), Wendy Dahlgren, (?), (?)

Second Row: Dick Miller, Jopie Berkers, (?), (?), (?), (?), Roger Libby, Terry Ryan,  Allen Rummer

Third Row: Terri Coles?, Gayle Mohney, (?), Verna ?, (?), Sandra Black, Laurie Wiley, Joyce Gull, Francis Selden

Fouth Row: (?), Gene Peterson, Larry Gilbert, Ed Nelson, Shaun Uhtoff?, Rod Marko, (?), Ray Eikstadt,

Mrs. Robinson

4th Grade, Mrs. Purdin
Whitworth Elementary 1960-61

Front Row (L-R): Francis Seldon, Bob Ladduke, (?), (?), (?)

Second Row: Jerry Clark, Jim Harty?, Shaun Uhtoff, John Priest, Pat Coker, Yopie Berkers, Robin Gray

Third Row: Patty Horak, Laura Havens, Diane Hocksworth, Patti Randel, Margene Whittle, (?), Joyce Gull, Sharon Spafford

Fouth Row: Gene Peterson, (?), Russel Wagner, Ken Bailey, Kermit Miland, Bill Oliver, Paul Ritchie?, (?),

Mrs. Purdin


5th Grade, Mr. Mackey
Evergreen Elementary 1961-62

Front Row Sitting (L-R): (Deanna Brooks), (?)

Second Row: Gary Wright, Chuck Wakely, (?), (?), Cathy Craig, Steven House, Richard Carlson, Doug Foss

Third Row: Francis Seldon, (?), (?), Joyce Gull, Stephanie Romine, (?), Denise Culbertson, Julie Schrader

Fourth Row: (Tom Shaw), (?), (David Jackson), (?), Mike Perry, Jim Harty, (Greg Frazier), Mr. Mackey

6th Grade, Mr. Willmering
Evergreen Elementary 1962-63

Front Row (L-R): Aileen DeMoulin, Virginia Black, Julie Schrader

Second Row: Laura Havens, Jopie Berkers, Richard Carlson, Paul Ritchie, Steven House, Steven Entringer, Deanna Brooks

Third Row: Stephaine Romine, Linda Bartly, Linda Smith, Laurie Wiley, Joyce Gull, Connie Quinn, Pam Dahl

Fourth Row: Greg Frazier, Tom Shaw, Ken Bailey, Mike Perry, Buddy Compton, David Jackson, Tim Taylor,  Mr. Willmering 


3rd Grade, Mrs. Gould
Mead Elementary School 1959-60

Front Row: Donny O'Neil, Clark Christoffersen, Frank Moran, John Stuivenga, Orlan Holmes

Second Row: Terry Best, Robert Kellogg, Jim Harty, Steve Peplinski, Richard Carlson, Dan Erickson, Steven McRory

Third Row: Mona ?, Paula McKitrick, (?), Deborah ?, John Chanzek, Pam Dahl, Denise Culbertson, Debbie Frost

Fourth Row: Mrs. Gould, Barbara Jo Nisley, Deanna Smith, Janise ?, Crissie ?, Claudia McVey, Michael ?, Aileen DeMoulin, Margaret Schaffer.  


 4th Grade, Mrs. Siegel
Evergreen Elementary 1960-61

Front Row Sitting: Debbie Frost, (?)

Second Row: Margaret Schaffer, Gary Wright, (?), Stephen House, Pat Leaf, Pat Gilkey, Richard Carlson, Deanna Brooks

Third Row: Maureen King, Marsha McKay, Deborah ?, Linda Bartley, Claudia McVey, (?), (?), Sharon Vensel, Aileen DeMoulin

Fourth Row: Mrs. Siegel, (?), Steve Peplinski, (?), David Jackson, Tom Shaw, Royal Ingelbretson, Greg Frazier




 5th Grade, Mrs. Riley
Evergreen Elementary 1961-62

Front Row: Jopie Berkers, Steve Jefferies, Pat Gilkey, Jim Peterson

Second Row: Debbie Frost, Maureen King, Laura Havens, Aileen DeMoulin, Janet Shumate, Patty Wade, Benita ?

Third Row: Pam Dahl, Claudia McVey, Connie Quinn, Linda Smith, Laurie Wiley, Nikki Stephan, Linda Bartley

Fouth Row: Chuck Wakely, Steve Peplinski, Royal Ingelbretson, Rod Marko, Tim Taylor, Greg Baber, Paul Ritchie

2nd Grade, Miss Freeland
Mead Elementary 1958-59

Front Row: Margaret Schaeffer, Vicky McGee, Val McGee, Mona?

Second Row: Ricky Anderson, Kim Davis, Donny O'Neil, (?), Greg Baber, Lyle Hattenburg, (?), Bob Templeton,  Doug Thosath

Third Row: Janell?, (?), (?), (?), (?), Judy Swanson, (?), Patty Koski, (?), Kathy Stephens

Fourth Row: Dan Lowell, David Kingsbury, Jim Wood, Kirk Knaggs, Bob Kellogg, Dave Jackson, Jim Harty, Greg Frazier, Richard Carlson 

1st Grade, Mrs. Thomas
Farwell Elementary 1957-58

Front Row: (?), Bob Templeton, Frank Moran,Steve McRory,(?),John Chanzek, Kim Davis

Second Row: (?), Jim Wood, (?),Mona?, Val McGee, Vicky McGee, (?), (?), Janis Harper, Patty Koski

Third Row: Mary Lou Byrd, (?), Ron Reopelle, David Kingsbury, Robert Goodwin, Dan Stoneman, Kathy Stephens, (?), Sharon Venzel, (?)

Fouth Row: (?), Don Reopelle, Barbara Peterson, Pam Linder, (?), (?), Nancy Holz, Nancy Mitchell, Pat Ferrell

6th Grade, Mr. Johnson
Whitworth Elementary 1962-63

Front Row: (?), Joy Mars, (?)

Second Row: (?), Roger Libby, Daryl Campbell, (?), Bill Martin, Robin Gray, Patty Horak

Third Row:  Mr. Johnson, (?), Edith Bartle, Margene Whittle, Terri Coles, Patti Randel, (?), Cheryl Cockburn, Mrs. Langben, Principal

Fourth Row: John McCarthy, Dave Dilworth, John Wilson, Bill Hansen, Tim Johnson, Jerry Clark


  5th Grade, Mr. Stueve

Whitworth Elementary 1961-62

Front Row: Wendy Dahlgren

Second Row: Robin Gray, Bobby Brown, Robin Meyer, Marc Martyn, Pat Coker, Daryl Campbell

Third Row: Vivian Woolley, (?), Patty Randall, (?), Judy Young, (?), Cheryl Cockburn, Pam Pruitt

Fourth Row: Jerry Clark, Russell Wagner, Kermit Miland, Dave Dilworth, Larry Gilbert, Danny Lowell, Dan Koehler

6th Grade, Mrs. Beyersdorf
Whitworth Elementary 1962-63

Front Row: Dick Miller, Robin Meyer

Second Row:  Judy Hayes, Gayle Mohney, Judy Young, Tricia Gregorak,  Marjiorie Webb, Pam Pruitt

Third Row: Pat Coker, John Chanzek, Kim Hemphill, Dan Koehler, (?),Danny Lowell, Bobby Brown, Mrs. Langben/ Principal

Fourth Row: Shaun Uhtoff, (?), (?), Larry Gilbert, Gene Peterson, Lee Riddle ?, John Priest

5th Grade, Mrs. Meador
Whitworth Elementary 1961-62

Front Row: Kim H., John Priest, Bill Martin, Dick Miller

Second Row: Patty Horak, Kathy D, Sharon Spafford, Chris S. (holding sign), Edith Bartle, Judy H., Joyce M.

Third Row: Rich M., John McCarthy, Bill Hansen, John Wilson, Shaun Uhtoff, Gene Peterson, Tim Johnson, Mrs. Meador

Mr. King, Diane H., Pat Olson, Margene Whittle, Terri Coles, Joy Mar, Marilyn C.

Greenbluff Elementary, Mrs. Hudson

Lower Grades

Front Row (L to R): Cathy Healy, Kathy Walker, Ellen Kennedy, Melaine Walker, Ann Benedict

Second Row: Skip Wellsandt, Randy Simpson, Robert Knott, Steve Carter, Joe Forkner, Ron Russell, Andy Knapp, Jim Holcomb

Third Row: Debby McGee, Betty Crisp, John Stevens, Carol Grant, Janet Buhre, Christine Kennedy, Debbie Cook, Nancy Utermarck, Pam Forkner

Fourth Row: Mrs. Hudson (Teacher), Kim Wellington, Ralph Carter, Mel McGinnis, Rick Knapp, Mike Cook, Doug Leaf, Rick McGinnis, Larry ?, Mrs. Veltry (Cook)

Greenbluff Elementary, Mr. Hudson
Upper Grades

Front Row (L to R): Ann Benedict, Ellen Kennedy

Second Row: Jim Holcomb, Ralph Carter, Rick McGinnis, Steve Beck, Mel McGinnis, Randy Simpson, Skip Wellsandt

Third Row: Margaret Beck, Debbie McGee, Christine Kennedy, Mary Laws, Gwen Schmidt, Betty Russell, Carol Grant, Melaine Walker

Fourth Row: Ricky Schmidt, Ken Schimanski, Rick Knapp, Doug Simpson, Bobby ?, Paul Turner, Ron Russell

Greenbluff Elementary, Mr. Hudson
Upper Grades

Front Row (L to R): Ellen Kennedy, Pam Forkner, Betty Crisp, Ann Knott

Second Row: Skip Wellsandt, Steve Carter, Andy Knapp, Dennis Taylor, Robert Knott, Randy Simpson

Third Row: Mr. Hudson (Teacher), Debbie McGee, Melain Walker, Carol Grant, Mary Laws, Christine Kennedy, Margaret Beck, Kathy Walker

Fourth Row: Mel McGinnis, Ron Russell, Steve Beck, Rick Knapp, Rick McGinnis, Allen Thompson, Ralph Carter

Colbert Elementary, Mr. Murphy
Grades 3 & 4

Top Row: Mr. Murphy (Teacher), ?, Ronnie Lehman, Karen Horrocks, Chris Peterson

Second Row: Anita Baker, Guy Rand, Joan Bishoff, Tim Swenson, Kathy Robbins, ?, Susan Stradley

Bottom Row: Kathy Willey, Floyd Wilks, Chiere Downie, Mike Willey, Melina Clark, Steve Brown, Linda Benoschek

Farwell Elementary, Miss Adams

5th Grade

Front Row: Garron Rand, John Ortner, Mickey Klassen, Gordon Popp, Steve Thomlinson, Bob Merkel,Terry Best, Pat McNichols

Second Row: Carol Carter, Stephanie Dittner, Linda Thain, Donna Worley, Vickie Millan, Joni Nelson, Melina Clark, Sherry Stephens, Mona Lynn Hill, Margaret Schaffer, Kathy Willey

Third Row: Judy Durheim, Orlan Holmes, Floyd Wilks, Janet Rae Holeman, Pam Linder, Chris Miller, Billy Clark, Robert Goodwin, Crissie Heydon, Miss Adams (Teacher)

Farwell Elementary, Mr. Rowe
6th Grade


Front Row: Georgianne Hill, Patty Koski

Second Row: Daryl Hoffman, Bob Templeton, Danny Erickson, Bob Merkel, Frank Moran, Bob McDonald, Clark Christoffersen, Allen Rummer

Third Row: Janet Gillies, Cheryl Simmons, Donna Worley, Crissie Heydon, Nancy Holz, Judy Durheim, Carol Carter, Joni Nelson, Paula McKitrick, Mr. Rowe (Teacher)

Fourth Row: Erik Morris, Pat Ferrell, Terry Best, Floyd Wilks, Mike Willey, Mike Lewis, Orlan Holmes, Robert Goodwin












