In Memory

John Gurvitch

John Gurvitch

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08/11/23 01:02 AM #1    

Ronald Jermakian

May God bless John's soul - he introduced me to a lot of great music and drove me to a good spot in NY to hitchhike my way toward Jamaica in the fall of 1969 (though I never made it further south than Key West ...) He visited me at the tropical backyard hippie "tent settement" I was staying at in Coconut Grove not long before I joined the Hare Krishnas. Did I mention that he was the one who alerted me to buy tickets to the original Woodstock festival two months in advance? We traveled there with another friend and got there a day early - though we all soon separated and went on our own trips ... Best wishes to him (and other departed classmates) on the next phase of their spiritual journey ... 

08/11/23 07:47 PM #2    

Sheila Bewsee

What a fabulous eulogy and smile inducing post, Ron!!!

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