Amy Drake Williford

Profile Updated: April 23, 2011
Are you married? To Whom? How long? yes, calvinwilliford, 20 years
How many kids do you have? Boy or girl? Ages? hannah age 17
steven age 15
Where do you live now? Silsbee, TX
What is your occupation? What other occupations have you had? lvn
Yes! Attending Reunion
Life Story:

married calvin at age 19 two children followed
earned my nursing degree still happily married after twenty-one years together about to build a house

Favorite Memory:

parties at steven jaspers house- the times of sneaking out to the vfw

Least Favorite Memory:

getting detention and missing out on the tennis tournament and having to be in that awful room with that creep lol

Thing you would do differently if you went back to that time in high school:

nothing i had a BLAST in high school

Attending Reunion
