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•   Lee Obermiller  9/27
•   Harriet Helfter (Terry)  9/16
•   Suzanne Spoden (Mesna)  9/15
•   John Justin  9/5
•   Sue Kress (Bueckers)  7/2
•   Debra Hagen (Johnson)  6/22
•   Mark Sniezek  4/3
•   Eileen Court (Feia)  4/3
•   Donna Eveslage (Gasperlin)  4/3
•   Debra Bechtold (Mayer)  3/9
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55 Year Reunion Update

Our 55 Year Reunion date is fast approaching.  So, just putting out a couple "tweaks" to the plan for September 14th, at The Ultimate, in Waite Park.

We have arranged to have the basement there on Saturday September 14th, 5:00 to 7:00.  They will set up a taco bar for us.  Cost is $12  per person,  to cover the food, tip, and any fees for the room.  We will collect that fee  as we enter the room The Ultimate will have a bar in the room to purchase whatever you  would like to have for a beverage.  Water will be available at no additional charge.  We realize the basement may be difficult for us that use walkers and such, so we have arranged to have some tables on the main floor near the basement entry.  You would get service there and we can run tacos up or the menu would be available as well for you to purchase off instead of tacos if need be.   At 7, or 7:30, we had hoped The Ultimate would have entertainment, but they do not since the Ledge, in Waite Park has a venue that night.  But we are trying to see if we can add a DJ, or some entertainment after about  6:30. So things are still flexible.  Its... visit and stay as long as you like.  Just a nice opportunity to reconnect.

We thank all who responded RSVP.  But feel free to come even if you have not, we think this is flexible enough to accomodate changing plans.  Contact us with questions if you have any, we are happy to answer.  Mary Steffes 320-248-8598,  Shari Wahlin 320-249-5987,  Dan Van Hale 320-282-7448.  Tom Kremer 320-293-2163.

We hope to see many of you there!  A good time of the year to get together for an evening.  Summer is pretty well over, fall not quite here, and not leaving the area just yet for the winter.  And if you live away and feel like traveling back, the season is not a problem, snow better not be here in September! 



Here are some photos from our photos from our reunion in 2009 (thank Mary Jo Buttweiler Brueggeman)
