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Kathy Ford Stebbins

Kathy Ford
Residing In: Winnetka, IL Canada
Spouse/Partner: Single
Children: 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters and a grandson due in Sept.!

I have a Masters degree in family therapy and have been working for the past 20 years, the last 5 of which I have been in private practice. No retirement plans yet.

I have lived in 6 different places since graduating from college. The most interesting was Bahrain Island for 3 years. The most beautiful was Bolder, Co. I am now living in Chicago, in the northern suburbs.

I still sing, but now it's for senior citizens. I still love to play sports. My favorite time is with my grandchildren and connecting with old friends.
I travel regularly go to Charleston, S.C., which is where my daughter lives.
I have had lots of surprises.... all good ones.
I have no bucket list yet....

School Memories
• Remember getting kicked out of class for talking and having to sit in the hall.
• Playing sports was my biggest teacher.... self-discipline and the idea that with a team, one can do almost anything. Just keep trying...
