Einstein's Worst Fear is Here

One of the members of our Class of '58, John Pollock (now deceased), did exchange letters with Einstein about his ideas in the world of physics.  We should be proud of that.  But, Albert Einstein, besides discovering General Relativity and answering many of the universe's fundamental questions, also expressed his fears regarding man's everyday interactions with one another.  Here, in pictoral form, is the expression of one of Einstein's worst fears in a sequence of noteworthy, everyday human behaviors.  As you observe the world today and your grandchildren's behavior in it, you will appreciate Einstein's forewarning (at the end).

I. A couple planning their Honeymoon...

II. An average day at the beach with your grandkids...

III. Out on an intimate date...

IV. Having Dinner with your very best friends...

V. Having a conversation with your very best friend in the whole world...

VI. A visit to a museum...

VII. And finally, this is what Einstein warned might finally get here...
