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Profile Updated: May 5, 2013
Spouse/Partner Robert C Johnson
Attending Saturday Evening Reunion Dinner Party (08/24/13)



In 1964, I married Robert C Johnson, a 1961 Central graduate. We have 3 children and 8 thoroughly skilled and talented grandchildren.
In 1979, Bob, who was employed with UPS, was asked to take a transfer to Florida. On that particular day it was 22 degrees below zero, so without much hesitation, we moved.
We have lived in Plantation, which is a little west of Ft. Lauderdale, ever since.
During most of our years here, I worked for Hallmark Corporation as an account coordinator in the Social Expression Sales area.
In 1996, I happily left the many miles drive, and the sales quotas, to work with Bob, who had retired from UPS and purchased a printing company and later, a UPS shipping store.
However, after working with my dear husband a short while, I realized I liked him better as a husband than an employer, so now I am retired and loving it.
Since retiring, I have become involved in a mission organization (mission Haiti) traveling to Haiti several tiems a year, with medical teams, to set up various locations where needed. We also have built and sponsor a boys orphanage in Gonaires.
I know this is a shamelss plug, but I would love for anyone interested in becoming part of a future team to join us.
We can always use helping hands, especially medically trained. If anyone would like to learn more about this worthwhile organizion, just contact me.
Well, classmates, we have grown old haven't we? I am shocked to see that old lady in the mirror looking back at me.
So it is with great anticipation that I look forward to being with old friends, renewing friendships, and seeing my balding and bulging classmates after so many years.
Until then, God bless and take care!

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:29 AM
Rosemary Wells Johnson
Clinic-Bayonette, Haiti
May 2012
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:29 AM
Rosemary (Wells) & Robert Johnson