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06/25/12 11:01 AM #19    


Susan Buck (Schaff)

Just hoping that none of  you who live in Florida have any serious damage from Tropical Storm Debby.  I live where Hurricanes Rita and Ike hit and wouldn't wish that on anybody.  I just saw a video from Pass-A-Grille which looked like it had some tornado damage.  Be safe!

06/25/12 10:32 PM #20    

Joan Vinick (Ecker)

I just called my sister in Naples and brother who lives part time in Stewart to see if everyone is okay.  the news said pass-a-grille was hit hard.  Having lived through Hurrican Irene last year in Vermont and especially in my town ... my heart goes out to everyone touched by any of these storms.  We must have slogged around in hip boots, gloves, hats and slickers for at least a week shoveling silt out of basements and first floor rooms of neighbors homes. then came home and spent hours trying to get the grit off of us and out of hair and our teeth.  Many houses gone, many more still in uninhabitable condition.  exhausting and overwhelming.  Good wishes to anyone we know in St Pete who was hit by this storm.


Just has bilateral simultaneous knee replacement and plan to get them both in dancing order well before october!! (I think too much dancing is what got me to this place in the first place.)  Looking forward to seeing everyone.  joan


08/19/12 05:42 PM #21    

Susan Donna (Day)

Hi everyone.  So sorry to hear about you Steve.          prayers go out to you and I hope you are doing better. I currently spend 6 months in the Belgrade Lakes region in Maine.I have a home on Long Pond.  Then it is to the east coast of Florida near my two boys and their families.  I have been retired from the V.A,medical center as a radiation therepist; then come home to Maine where I became bored and so I got my teaching  certification and became wonderfully involved teaching in a behavioral spechial high school program.  Now retired again, I am enjoying my time kayaking, fishing and traveling. I'm not a computer erson so I hope this gets to you all.  I have to have someone help me set a new E-Mail address and then I will send it.  Patty Camper{best friend after   a ll these years} hope to be able to get to the reunion..I am planning on it even if Patty can't come..Please someone send me a registration form to Susan Day-Donna at P.O. box 646, Belgrade Lakes, Me. 04918..Thanks so much.  See you soon........Sue day                                                             

08/21/12 02:52 AM #22    


Adelle Love (Blackman)

Hi ALL. I just found out abiut this site today when Jenni called me.

Rught now I am taking medicine for a larynitigis, sore throat, cough and inner ear infection, and in the summer too, Bummer!  I think Alan and Tom and I may have a lot in common as I have been very politically ative for years. In fact I remember years ago after the governor's office called me about being appointed to So. West Florida Warer Man. District  ( SWIFTMDI I asked Kirk Kiser if that was important as I did not have a clue,. But I worked my buns off for the people of Pinellas county for not a dime and made Bob Martinez proud. I sat with Roy Harrell and fought him tooth and nail to keep bad projects from going through and money wasted. Now he is gone.

i understand that it was told I was deceased but I can tell you that I am here and well..., well except for what I have right now.  ha ha.

Hope everyone has a nice summer and I will see you in Oct  . Except for USF and over 5 yrs. in Daytona beach I have chosen to live in Pinellas county. Mostly the mid section but for 8 years now I have lived at the top and love it. I am glad to be out of the hustle and bustle of it all. But my daughter chooses to live in mid Pinellas where she can go any direction and be there quick.  I would not move back myself.. if I ever move again it won't be here, I have 2 places I love.smiley

08/23/12 09:48 PM #23    


Susan Buck (Schaff)

Good news that Adele is still with us!  

08/25/12 11:11 PM #24    


Gail Danzig (Fore)

Sending good vibes to everyone who might be affected by this nearby storm; Take care.


09/14/12 01:32 PM #25    


Camilla Kilgroe

Hi, everyone.  The reunion committee is hard at work getting ready for our 50th.  and we need your help with a couple of things.

First, if you have a request for our DJ's playlist, let us know.  Many of us have sentimental favorites we'd like to hear at the reunon.  The requests don't have to be from music of the 60's.  I'm requestion Lady Gaga and Adele!  Anyway, let us know what you want.

Also, Margie Rettig Dyson needs more volunteers to help at the registration table Friday and Saturday nights.  This is a great way to break the ice and greet folks, particularly for those of us coming alone.  It's always easier to greet folks at the registration desk than to walk up to them alone!

We'd like to have enough volunteers so that everyone works short shifts, preferably a half an hour at a time.  That frees everyone who volunteers to have plenty of walking around time.

Pease respond to these requests by sending me an e-mail through my profile.




09/27/12 03:07 AM #26    


Pam Kleiderer (Fragomene)

 Aloha Classmates,speaking of music, I'd love to hear and dance to oldies, '59-'62. How about Sea Cruise,one of my favorites and Go Jimmy Go, 16 Candles, Stay, I'm Sorry, The mountain's High,Runaway, There's a moon out tonight,Duke of Earl, Tossin and Turnin,I could go on forever. It sure brings back alot of memories,one of them I learn to cha cha to, Little Darlin, actually I still like to cha cha!  I am ready to dance,did we ever call it  jitterbug?   See you soon, Pam kleiderer Fragomene   

10/11/12 02:53 PM #27    

Dianne Clow (Robertson)

I am REALLY late to find this site!  STEVE , I'm SHOCKED to hear of your illness.When you sent your lovely Birthday Greeting, I just thought "How very nice!".  I hope you are feeling stronger by the minute . I look foreward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!   I'm also glad to see that ADELE is living!  It must have been quite a shock to hear that you weren't!   I, too, worried about Pass-A -Grille  in the storm.  Winter is coming to Northern Minnesota after a BEAUTIFUL Fall.We had plentiful spring and early summer rainfall before drought came . 37 degrees , sunny and windy at 2 PM! I have Evergreens and Red Oaks out my windows and they are dancing to the wind! I'm looking foreward to seeing everyboby. I'm coming by train via Chicago and Washington, DC . I do arrive Thursday so Bob's invitation is accepted!   I would be VERY HAPPY to help out in any way I can--other than COMPUTER-WIZE.  I'd LOVE to be a GREETER but cant get Margie's e-mail to work!!

Love to you all, Dianne

10/11/12 03:54 PM #28    


Ellita Prieto (Stamp)

Hi y'all -

I am getting ready to leave Maggie Valley (NC) on Sunday and begin my winter migration to the Sunshine.

This morning I was almost late to an appointment -  ICE ! had formed on the windshield of my car! surprise

It was a chilly (read cold) 36 degrees - time for this flamingo to fly south - flap flap flap.

I fire up the motorhome and head out on Sunday - I plan to arrive in St Pete on the 16th.

If anyone would like to visit - my phone number is 828-400-5223. Would love to visit with any who live

in the area or will be in the area early.

Goodness, this summer just flew by - looking forward to the reunion.

I have discovered that many of you come to my area of the mountains of North Carolina - wish I could have met you and reconnected. I even discovered a brother of a classmate in Waynesville the other day!


10/30/12 07:41 AM #29    

Jackie Withrow

Hats off to the Reunion committee for organizing such a wonderful event!  Meant so much to see the beautiful people in the Pirate class of 1962 again!  Please keep checking in to the website.  Give a yell if you all are ever going to be traveling near Murphy, NC.



10/30/12 01:05 PM #30    


Daniel Tutoli

aaargg mateys,

do yourself a favor & check out pro photographer David Ewart's 1962 videos on his classmates profile page.

Since we sat with Dave & his date @ the dinner  I went back & checked his page!  you gotta see it!


Thanks for the reunion.  Everybody worked so hard.  Sorry many couldn't make it.  I had to overcome my basic

cheapness & general lackawanna.  M.C. Camilla Kilgroe was inspirational though, with her youthfulness and

energy ("quick, quick, quick").  But, she still hasn't called me back about adding two for dinner.  I'm waiting. 


Ya know, we've played hundreds of songs &  there's one called "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares." 

 Many who wanted to attend the reunion, did attend- and they all seemed to care.  We do got soul, baby!


Dan Tutoli & Lenah Robles


10/30/12 08:12 PM #31    


Robert Angle

To all that worked on our 50th reunion, congratulations on a job well done! 

The excellent end result of all your hard work was evident in a great Saturday evening at the Vinoy and the dinner reunion at the Yacht Club with the follow-up breakfast that was planned and organized perfectly including the decorations, banners, videos and the memory books.

We enjoyed each day, renewing old friendships and seeing everyone again.  Thank you once more to all the organizers that gave their time to put this together.


Bob & Carol Beth Angle

11/06/12 02:11 PM #32    


Pam Kleiderer (Fragomene)

Aloha to all, thanks to the reunion staff for a wonderful time. I am so glad we made the trip! Sincerely, Pam Kleiderer Fragomene 

12/10/12 12:12 AM #33    


Andrea Fuller (Cooper)

This is the first time I've been to this part of the website.  Oops!  A big thank you to everyone on the reunion committee!!!!  Y'all did an awesome job!  I thought everything was perfect!  It was so great to see everyone again!  Cam, you did a wonderful job as Mistress of Ceremonies.  Steve, I was so sorry to hear about your cancer.  Everyone---stay safe and healthy!  Love, Andee Fuller

12/16/12 09:13 AM #34    


Dan Mink

 Our reunion weekend was one of the best weekends I can ever remember.  I enjoyed seeing everyone very much.  The Committee did one fantastic job!  Tom Twitty did a great job on the web page and made it easy for everyone to use it.  Thanks David Ewart for your photography skills.

12/31/12 12:52 PM #35    


Thomas Twitty

Dan, Thanks for the Kudos..
  Lot of good things to come with this website and some others working with the publisher of ClassCreator.  Looking at a merger or JV with  and (post a bio for those that gave it all). Keep me advised of any luncheon you may be arranging. In Colorado at Daughters celebrating the New Year.  Then back to sunny FL (I Hope) and some golf and web work of course. 
Best in 2013 

02/12/13 12:27 AM #36    


Judith Schevo (Rempe)

I brag on this site to anyone who will listen.  It's so user-friendly - and beautiful!  

What a memory, huh?  The 50th and the best!   We still talk about it and how well it was organized. And the great opportunities to meet up with old friends.  Thank you Reunion team for what you accomplished for us all.   I'm just glad we could still attend since my mom died just months before, and she lived in St. Pete.  So now, we have no more reasons for going to St. Pete again.  Ended it with a bang!  Unless, of course, there's a 55th.  


09/24/13 07:22 AM #37    


Thomas Twitty

Testing out the Class Connection Facebook App.  This might be a good thing to locate more of our missing Mates from Boca Ceiga Class of 1962.  Give it a try.    Thanks  Tom 

03/03/14 10:08 AM #38    

Thomas Myers

Just going to talk about Dave Bernath and me. In the old days Dave and I did alot of trout fishing around the islands going out to Mullet key either by boat or wading the flats. We really enjoyed those times. Dave and I were in Viet Nam during the same period. We both got our orders cut at the same time to come home. They had a write up in the St Pete Times about us coming home at the same time. Dave and I did visit each other once in awhile. I met his wife Carol,she is a sweet person. I'm truly sorry to hear of Dave's passing, we just spoke on the phone a couple months back. My sympathy also to Rossi and the children. RIP David, Tom Myers

10/04/14 11:09 AM #39    


Thomas Twitty

Recently a classmate from another class asked to be a guest.  His name is Richard Eveson and he went on the search to help find some of our missing classmates.  He found Sandy Shick and perhaps because her name was misspelled from the beginning?  Anyway she is now listed and you may contact Sandy from this site.  
There are still about 68 class members that are still missing and hopefully we can all make an effort to run down a few.  Check out the Menue on left side for Missing Classmates and see what you can do.  Thanks Tom 

01/15/16 03:26 PM #40    

Joan Vinick (Ecker)

I would like to be unsubscribed from this.  I do not know who Mike Twitty is and I am tired of the election push which has absolutel NOTHING to do with me, my high school years, my high school friends.  This is not a political forum nor a campaign platform space.  Joan Ecker

01/16/16 06:24 PM #41    


Adelle Love (Blackman)

I would say she is a little testy, just the kind of person I remember in high school. I would like to invite Mike Twitty to come to the Constitution Club of Tampa Bay and be introduced. We all vote for property appraisor in north county and would welcome him to introduce himself to the group. We meet Jan. 28th and Feb 25th ( before the primaries) at SPC Tarpon campus..auditorium at 7p.m. Any info call 938-5766 ( Adelle (LOVE) Blackman.(62)

01/16/16 07:57 PM #42    


Thomas Twitty

Thanks Adelle,
I will have Mike contact you.

09/16/19 06:54 PM #43    


Thomas Twitty

Hey Ken,

Send me a couple of Grand for the ongoing ad for your company since the 50th reunion. 

You can void that billing / Dum if you come to Homosassa and have lunch or stay over with Linda and I.

I would meet you a Murf.s but forgot how to get there. 

68 Vinca St 
Homosassa FL 34446 

727 421-1360


Best  Tom

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