Post-50th Reunion survey

Our 50th Reunion is in the books and we, the planning committee, have received some wonderful feedback about the event. We would love to hear from all of you about your experience, and if you didn't attend, why not, and what might entice you to come to our next gathering. It would be a huge help if you can take 2 minutes and answer a few questions... your answers will remain confidential. Feel free to email us directly if you prefer.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Did you attend the reunion?

Yes No
2)   if YES, please rate your overall experience 1 - 10.

1 is worst, 10 is best
3)   If you attended virtually, please tell us how the experience was and how we could make it better next time.

4)   if NO, please check all that apply

  Scheduling conflict
  Distance to travel
  Expense to travel
5)   if your answer was OTHER, please tell us the reason

6)   If you attended the reunion, what did you enjoy the most?

7)   If you attended the reunion, what should we have done differently?

8)   other comments and suggestions for future reunions

