Regina Lawson Berry

Profile Updated: July 13, 2008
Residing In: Ninety Six, SC
Spouse/Partner: Kevin
Occupation: Paramedic
Children: Madelynn Faith, born 2-21-1996
Warren, born June 1998 (stepson)
Kourtney, born Dec 2000 (step More…daughter)
Yes! Attending Reunion

I got my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and spent the last 17 years as Human Resource Director for International Paper, Tyco Healthcare and was even Senior Vice President at Park Seed Company in South Carolina up until about a year ago. Got tired of the dog eat dog world and wanted to give a little back so I went back into the medical field (which by the way I got my start while in High School -GO HOE)

As of now I do dialysis treatments for kidney patients and work as a Paramedic.

I ended up in South Carolina transferring with Tyco Healthcare via Daytona Beach Florida. Then when I got here I met and married my current husband. Oh yeah forgot their was the first one -not worth mentioning though.:)

Missed our 10 year reunion -guess cause you could not find me. I heard about it about a month later traveling though Dallas Texas when I ran in to Grethen Bickerstaff.

Well I plan on making this reunion and I cannot wait to see everyone.

School Story:

Do ya'll remember "Butter"
Do you remember Mrs. Johnson always telling me "Good observation Regina" or Mrs Knight telling me to shut up unless I could say it gramatically correct. Sorry Mrs. Knight still can't.

Or girl's do you remember the teacher we called Ding Dong Daddy. He' was the one who always talked to us when he put his leg up on the desk

Senior Skip Day that was a blast and I still have pictures from the Panama City Senior Trip-I might just post some of them.

Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
My great husband Kevin and I on vacation last year. I know- I'm a little thicker than you remember!
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
My life- My Love. My daughter- Maddie-I know she looks just like me.