In Memory

Niraj Kapadia VIEW PROFILE

Niraj Kapadia

You were a husband, a father, a loving son, and friend and brother to so many of us...we who knew you too briefly at TSC are but a handful of those whose lives you affected...

Who you were and always will be to me:

A man of few words but whose messages spoke volumes...
A man who lacked height but had stature amongst his peers...
A gentleman, a friend, our brother...always...

As we once said about (y)our sweetheart we now say for you:

Those who knew you, loved you...
Those who didn't, missed out...

I pray your soul is at peace: while God may not have given you the long life you deserved, your memory lives.ever, dies never...

From your Phi Kappa Psi family, and the Trenton State College community, we will miss you...

Click here to see Niraj's last Profile entry.
