In Memory

Michael Wayno

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03/12/16 11:35 PM #1    

Kit Thorpe (Evans)

i remember him.  He was part of a loose "gang" of us who rode our bikes around the Proctor and North End neighborhoods and explored all the gullies.  I remember playing spin the bottle under the Proctor bridge!! In middle school, he was an item with a young girl named Ramona Barnes (I think).  I remember because I had such a crush on him until high school!  

Have always been sad that he slipped away from us. I'm glad I have some clear, fun memories of him.

03/13/16 12:56 PM #2    

Margaret Wall (Abels)

Kit, I too remember Mike so well.  He rode his bike down to my house near Pt. Defiance one time and didn't say anything before he came.  I think he got in trouble at home for doing that.  I too was crazy about Mike.  Maybe Kit it was because he was taller like us.  Margie Wall Abels 


03/13/16 01:27 PM #3    

Norm Cratsenberg (Cratsenberg)

My memories of Mike were when we played baseball/basketball/football.  He was much bigger than most of us and he had more talent than us, but he was a gentle giant.  We miss you Mike.

Norm Cratsenberg

03/14/16 06:02 PM #4    

Lee Covell (Covell)

I remember going to his grade school to play his team in softball.  He was already Ruthian in statuire and reputation.  I also remember how unkind the track team coaches were to him when he attempted to get back into athletics.  He was charismatic in a very vulnerable sort of way.

Lee Covell

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