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 Tallulah High School Alumni.

I've designed this web site to help everyone get reconnected with old friends. Feel free to use it to plan reunions, parties or what ever you may like. As we all know they have closed the doors to THS.  They might have taken our School away from us but we still have the many, many memories! With that being said... I hope you enjoy and all is well.




Let me take this time to explain to you how this site works. Wondering why your name is not listed under the year you graduated? Well this is how this site works. I have to add everyone to the site. So, if you want your name added just email me ( I need to know your name and year. I can add your whole class but may need help with names. Yea its time to break out those old ass year books! lol... There is a message forum so take advantage of it you can leave messages for everyone to see! O'yeah its free to you!!!!!

As most of you know we (class of 1999) are planning our 10 year reunion.  This is not an easy task I might add!  It so far has been a challenge for some of us. (Thank you to everyone that has helped me out so far) Some of us have come across a few fellow Alumni that would like to join in on our reunion.  I think this is a great idea.  In order for us to accommodate everyone we are asking for $40.00 from everyone.  Please help me out by telling everyone about this web site. If your name is not listed email me and I will be glad to add you.  Well keep checking for updates! THANK YOU EVERYONE

If you plan to attending the reunion don't forget to fill out the registration form! Please message me your mailing Address.  Once your dues have been paid I will mail your tickets.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.                       

Please mail all dues to  Heather Cobb- 1108 LibertySt.- Tallulah, La. 71282  (make all check payable to me) YES YOU CAN TRUST ME!!! lol...

Deadline for dues April 17, 2009

Please don't hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.
