In Memory

William Brown

William Brown

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03/22/18 09:59 PM #1    

John Monteith

Goodbye, Bill. You were a good guy.

03/23/18 09:39 AM #2    

Jeff Silber

So sorry to  hear of Bill'passing. I saw him quite often when I lived in Waldwick and he had his pharmacy there.Always friendly and smiling. Really a nice guy. RIP Bill.

03/23/18 11:02 AM #3    

Wanda Jones (Trotta)

Remember Bill as being a quiet, nice guy in high school.  Namaste, Bill.


03/23/18 12:14 PM #4    

Peter Armitage

 Pete ArmitageSorry to here of Bill passing. Rembering all the good times we had in the car club Stockers


03/23/18 12:31 PM #5    

Robert Luhrs (Luhrs)

Very sad to here about Bill. Although we did not hang out together he has reached out to say Hi several times. I knew Bill as the druggist next my Dad's Deli, in Bogota, NJ.

RIP Bill.

03/23/18 04:39 PM #6    

Ruth Mellin (Blumenstein Costello)

So sorry to hear of Bills passing.  He truly was a great guy!

03/24/18 08:20 PM #7    

Warren Vietoris

I was saddened to hear of Bill’s passing.  The last time Bill and talked was at our 50th Class Reunion. We sat at the same same table and relived our earlier years in Teaneck over dinner and laughter. He was a special guy guy I will remember with fondness.  His warm smile and kindness will be just a few memories that will remain with me.  To his family remember those wonderful memories of which I’m certain you have many.








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