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Take the Survey

Please take a moment to answer 5 questions to help assist the reunion committee with planning. We appreciate your input, thank you!

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Are you interested in attending a 50 year class reunion?

If you are not interested in attending a 50 year class reunion, please make sure to check the appropriate box in question #1, then skip questions 2-5, but remember to submit your answer for question 1 now.
2)   If you answered yes to question 1, please indicate your preference for possible reunion dates:

Check all that apply. If you are not interested in attending a 50 year class reunion, please skip this question.
3)   If you plan to attend a 50 year class reunion, please indicate your preference for the following:

Check all that apply. If you are not interested in attending a 50 year class reunion, please skip this question.
4)   Please indicate your preference for ticket price:

Check all that apply. If you are not interested in attending a 50 year class reunion, please skip this question.
5)   Are you available to volunteer to serve on the reunion committee?

Don't worry, not a commitment, just an expression of your interest.