In Memory


Heidi Smith

Facebook message from her husband on November 3, 2020:

Heidi Smith lost her 5 year fight with skin cancer Melanoma tonight at 725 pm. She did make it home to our house so she could see those closest to her and say goodbye in some sort of way. She was a fighter from the start as many of you know and did not want to give up until she new that myself and her two daughters would be ok with her not here day to day.

She was the love of my life from the first night I saw her and many of my friends will attest to that for me. She gave me 21 plus years and I thank her for every one of them but just wish we could have had another 25 or more. 45 is way to young to go and to take one of the real good ones well I just hope he has a very special plan for her up there...

Click here to see Heidi's last Profile entry.