Alumni Profiles (1933)

     In Memory: 26
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 23
     Military Service: 2
   Restricted to Alumni only


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Beth Argo (Beardslee)    
Caris Ashcraft     
Hazel Elizabeth Bird (Clark)    
Ernest Brashier    
Davy Burnett (Robertson)    
Leslie Crocker    
Laverne Drake   
Amy Catherine Dunlap    
Johnnie Blanche Gifford (A…)    
John Herbert Gore    
Wade Gregory   
Gordon Hight    
Bonnie Mae Hodges (Sullivan)    
Pauline James
William Woodrow Kennon     
J T Long    
James David "Jim" McCoy    
Winnie Virginia McCoy (Greer)    
Charlien McGlothin (Martin)    
Ruth Meeks (Fisher)    
Margie Murphy (Coulston)    
Martha Ellen Newman (Pallis)    
Mary Pierce
Carmen Powell   
Louise Powell
Pauline Shaw (Warmouth)    
Lagretta Terrell (Fields)    
Virginia Welch
Ruth Wells
Lanell Wright    
Charline Yates (Harvey)    

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