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Lynn D Abernethy Jr
Jamie Adams (Mnes-Technology)
John Alexander (Lk)
Shirley Alexander (Mnes)
Clare Algee (Mnes)
Donna Parks Allison (Mnes)
Ray Allison (English)
James Altman (Band)
Amelia Amberg (Mnes)
Sharlene Angleton (English And …)
Anita Weaver Armstrong (TH…)
Shelly Arnett
Will Ann (Mays) Avery (Special …)
David Ayers (Lk -Physical Ed. )
Charles Bailey (General Math & Bas…)
Butch Baker (Coach And Health)
David Barger
Barry Bargery (English)
Dale Bargery (Lk -Secretary)
Laurie Bargery (School Nurse)
Pauline Bargery (Lk)
Zetta Bargery (Lk -5th)
Sherrill Barker (Basketball Coach)
Becky Barlow
Chad Batts (Agriculture)
Leah Beal (Lk-Math 6th)
Beth Argo Beardslee (Lk)
Linda Beatty (Mnes)
Wallace Bellew (Lk)
Heidi Bordine (Reading)
Courtney Boxx (Lk Speech Therapist)
Bill Bradley (Lk)
Tricia Bradley
Elizabeth Peacock Brandes (Mnes)
Marilyn Davis Broglin (Mnes -Gift…)
Sonny Broglin (Lcms)
Joanne Brown (Calhoun)
Robert Brundage
Martha Alexander Bryant (T…)
James Buchanan (Special Education)
Jeannie Hyde Buchanan (Home Econom…)
Jim Bulger (Physical Education)
Kim Burkett (Extd. Services)
Arlene Burkhead (English)
J W Burkhead (Agriculture)
Jerry A Burnett (Coach)
Woody Burton
Pat Bush (Lk)
Brenda Butler
Valerie Byrd (Richards) (Mnes -Bo…)
Eddie Cain (Lk 7th Math -LCHS Alg…)
Zula Callens (Lk)
Laurel Campbell (Science)
Merlan Campbell (Lk)
Mashelle Cantrell
Carrie Carpenter (History)
Karen Carpenter (Lk -3rd)
Tommy Carpenter (Physical Science)
Paul Carson (Agriculture)
Samantha Carter (English)
Charles "Bubba" Chad…
Mary Alice Chadwick
Penny Childrey (Lk -1st)
Kenneth Chism
Kathleen Clancy (Lk -Book…)
Craig Clay (World History & Gear Up)
Patsy Clifton (Lk)
Vira Clodfelter (Lk)
Willie Huber Coats (THS & …)
Chancey Cochran (Lk -4th)
Patsy Cochran (Typing & Bookkeeping)
Bethany Coffey (Music)
Carol Coulsen (Mnes)
Debby Cox (English)
Jeremy Cox (Spanish)
Mable Craig
Alice Ivy Cravens (Lk)
Kevin Crider (Agriculture)
Jimmy Cruise (Lk)
Karen Cude
Alicia Kirby Culta (Mnes)
Clennon Dailey (Coach)
Tamekia Dancy (Mnes -Kindergarten)
Helen Ruth Darnell (Mnes S…)
Linda Darnell
Sherry Darnell
Russ Davis (Coach)
Kim Decker (Science & Girls Basket…)
Marsha Denton (Lk 7th Grammar)
Lori Todd DeShields (Mnes -Preschool)
Joe Dickey
Sue Donnell (Barker)
June Dooley (Biology And Science)
Kathy Dooley Dickey (Guidance Coun…)
Lynn Dotson (Assistant Principal)
Vic Duvall (Lcms -Social Studies)
Steve Easterwood
Donna Emerson
Kerri Ervin (Health Science)
Pete Evans (Band)
Phillip Clark Fair (LC…)
James Henry Fenner (Lincol…)
Kim Ferrell (History Keyboarding B…)
James Flatt (Principal)
Sandra Tolar Flowers (Mnes)
Amy Coats Floyd (Superientendent)
Ruth Forrester (Lk)
Judy Fraley (Lcms Social S…)
David Gallagher
Beverly Gant (Mnes -2nd)
L D Gant (Special Education)
Vanessa Shumate Garner (Lk Principal)
Annette Cooper Gooch (Mnes)
Larry Gordon (Band)
Alice Gray (Lk)
Kathy Gray (Mnes)
Karon Parnell Griffin (Phy…)
Pamela Guerrero (Math)
Howard Guthrie
John Hart (Chemistry)
Wanda Hart
Joey Hassell (LCHS -Principal /Su…)
Kathryn Hassell (Lk -1st)
Judy Hatley (Mnes)
Kim Oliver Hawks (Mnes)
Carolyn Wiggins Hayes (Mnes)
Virginia Hayes (THS & LCHS…)
Wendy Haynes
Amanda Hearn (Mnes -1st)
Ginger Hearn (Keyboarding And Econ…)
Theresa Hearn (Mnes)
Wicky Hearn (Mnes)
Mrs. Orbie Hickman (Vocati…)
Lisa Hicks (Lk -Preschool)
Tracey Hinson (Sciences & Cheerlea…)
Jo Ann Hogg (Lk)
Andrea Holder
Frances Holland (Lk)
Debra Holliman (Spanish/Latin -LC…)
Christine Hollowell (Paraprofessional)
Diane Homra (Guidance Counselor)
Dr. Charles Homra
Mary Jane House (Lk)
Patsy House (Lk)
Tammy Hubbard (Lk -Speech Ther…)
Mac Huffstutter (Auto …)
Cora Hughes (Lincoln & LCHS -Libr…)
Lucille Hurt (Mnes -1st)
Nancy Hurt (Vocational Office Educ…)
Jackie Hutching (Mnes -5th 6th Math)
Melissa Huwe (Mnes -Kindergarten)
Mike Huwe (World History)
Paul Jett (Electronics)
Bonnie Johnson (Lk)
Bret Johnson
Kathy Johnson (Home Economics)
Cliff Jones (Band)
Cliff Jones (Band 1972-1973)
Judy Lemonds Jones (Mnes -Preschool)
Regina Jones (Lk -Science 6th)
Alanna Keller (Mnes -Counselor)
Eva Kendall (Lk)
Lara Kendall (Lk)
Tommy Killough (Coach)
Linda Baker Lamastus (Home…)
Bobby Lamb (Bus Driver)
Ronnie Lanier (Biology)
Carole Lattas (Home Economics)
Susie Lavenue (Lcms -English)
Catherine LeDuke (THS And …)
James Neville LeDuke (THS …)
Kathy LeDuke (Social Studies)
Linda Townsend LeDuke (Mnes -Soci…)
Richard LeDuke (Physics And Math)
Gene Lee (THS & LCHS -English)
Minnie Loggins Lee (Mnes)
Nancy Lee (Mnes -Kindergarten)
Nelda Lemonds (Mnes)
Virginia Lively (Lively's …)
Elizabeth "Baby" Loggins
Jerry London (Science And Math)
Helen Smythe Lovell (THS L…)
Peggy Lovell (Mnes)
Tommy Ray Lovell (Mnes -P…)
Debbie Lynch (Study Hall)
Mike Lynch (Band)
Georgia Maclin (Lk)
Sandra Maddox (English)
Annie Mae (Powell)
Claire Makin (Mnes)
Tom Makin (Coach And Biology)
Barbara Markham (Mnes)
Sandy Markham (Mnes -Kindergarten)
Suzanne Forrester Mathis (Lk)
Genette Currin Maynor (Lk)
Marilyn Mays (Lk -Secretary)
Kelly McAdams
Raymond McBride
Jennifer McCain (Roberson)
Peggy McCain (Lcms -Science 7th)
William "Dick" M McCaleb
Pam McIntrye (Home Economics)
Harold McKee (Principal)
Linda Medlin (Home Economics)
Frances Michaelcheck (MNES…)
Jane Milligan (Home Economics)
Edna Moore Walton Mills (Mnes)
Winnie Mooney Hood (RHS & Lk)
Charlotte Moore (Paraprofessional)
Jerry Moore (Social Studies & Coach)
Mike Moore (Lk -Social Studies 6th)
Dorothy Mooring (Mnes -Bookkeeper)
Billie Sue Morgan (Lk)
Janet Morris (Lk -3rd)
Robbie Morris (Physical Education)
Barbara Leeper Moseley (Lk)
Ellen Murphy
Susan Nafieh (Mnes)
Ricky Newom (Lk -Physical Education)
Kerri Olhausen Newsom (Mnes -1st)
Margaret Newton (Mnes)
Charlene Nolen (Lcms -Spe…)
Angie Norris (Stewart)
Mandy Norris
Barry Olhausen (Lk 5th And 6th /S…)
Mary Olhausen (Lk)
Kathleen O'Neal (Mnes -4th)
Juanita Pace
Kathryn Palmer (Mnes)
Angie Parker (Algebra)
Eva Parks (Lcms & LCHS -Math)
Ken Parks (Math And Coach)
Patricia Parks (Art)
Paul Newton Parks (Agricul…)
Bessie Lee Parnell (Mnes)
Terry Parnell (Mnes -2nd)
Julia Paschall (Lk -2nd Grade)
Susie Perkins Paschall (Lara Kendall)
Cam Patterson (Lk & Mnes)
Margie Patterson (Algee)
Emily Peacock (Lewis)
Charles Hiram Pearson
Marilyn Pearson (Mnes -3rd)
Nell Pearson (English)
Al Pellegrino (Football Coach)
Karen C. Perkins (Mnes -Secretary)
Vivian Perkins (Lk -2nd)
Michael Perry
Sandra Petty (Secretary)
Terry Pierce (Carpentry)
Terri Pierce-Stephensen (Mnes)
Pauline DeBerry Pigue (Lk)
Holly Pillow (Lcms -Math 8th)
Paul Pillow (Assistant Principal)
Jean Pitts (Central Office -Bookk…)
Kaye Pope
Roland Pope (History And Assistant…)
Annie Powell (Mnes)
Gerald Prince
Peggy Watson Provow (Mnes …)
Sonny Rechtin
Carol Reed (Lk -5th)
Elizabeth Reynolds (Lk -Kindergarten)
Lorie Reynolds (Hutcheson)
Rick Rice (Science & Football Coach)
Connie Riley (History)
Sunny Riley (Lcms -Language Arts 8th)
Lynette Roach (Mnes -Special Educ…)
Linda Robinson
Osie Robison
Begonya Rodriquez (Spanish)
Peggy Rogers (Lk -Special Ed)
Thomas Rowell
Lance Roy
Hershel Runion (Bus Driver)
Marie Runion (Secretary)
Tonja Rushing (Lcms -Language 7th)
Tara Rushton (Mnes -1st)
Jameka Scates Willis (English)
Nancy Scott (Special Education)
Danny Seratt (Band)
Ronald Sharp
Cindy Shaw (Lk)
Vicky Fowler Shaw (Mnes)
Bill Shelby (Science)
Edythe Shelton (Lk)
Betty Jo Shull (Lk)
Carolyn Shull (Lk)
Monica Hickan Shull (Lk -Libra…)
Mildred Shumate (Secretary)
Amy Simmons (Mills)
Mitchell Sims (Wellness)
Cathy Homra Sinclair Smith (Typing…)
Clint Sisco
Herman Small
Golda Smith (Lk)
Jenny Lynn Smith (Lk -Preschool)
Marita Smith (Mnes)
Molly Jones Smith
Peggy Smith (Mnes)
Jimmy Dale Snyder (Central Office …)
Steve Speed
Nikki Springer
Karen Springfield
Tim Stallings
Phillip Steele
Charles Stewart
Mike Stigall
David Stockton (Band)
Ann Stone
Suzanne Stone (Keefe)
Cliff Sturdivant (Coach & Principal)
Tammy Summers (Lk -Kindergarten)
Ramona Sutton Gooch
Deborah Swift (Mnes -2nd)
Lynette Tabor
Goldyne Taylor
Laura Taylor (Lcms -Math)
Peggy Taylor (Lk)
Daniel Terry (Lincoln & LCHS -…)
Carrie Thayer
Carnese C Thorpe (Mnes)
Rebecca Ricardson Tippit (Lk -Pre…)
Mary Tipton (Mnes 5th And 6th Math)
Dawn Todd (Secretary)
Howard Todd
Kathy Todd (Lk -Assistant Principal)
James Tolar (Lcms -Coach)
James Towater
Polly Truett
Ellis R. Truett Jr. (THS &…)
Georgianne Vaughn Whitby
Raymond Waddell (Princ…)
Catherine Wallace (Mnes)
Charles Wallace (Science)
Nell Pitts Wallace
Virginia Wallace (Mnes)
James C. Welles
Phil Wesner (Geometry & Advanced Math)
Jimmy Whitby (Alternative School)
Col. Lloyd White (Lk Principal)
Daisy White (Lk)
Rhonda White (Bookkeeper)
Wheta White (Lk)
Dewanda Whitmore (Lcms -Math 8th)
Amanda Wilder (Lk -4th)
Lelia Willingham (Lk)
Brenda Wilson (Lk)
James W (Bill) Wilson (THS…)
Sandy Tolar Wilson (Mnes -3rd)
Thelma C Wilson (Mnes)
Tina Wood (Paraprofessional)
Sarah Woody (Lk)
Ray Wooten (Pe And Football Coach)
Helen Wortman (Lk Elementary)
Elizabeth Keefe Yates (Mnes)
Melinda Yates (Mnes)
Anne Clark Young (Mnes)
Betty Young (Lk-7th Literature)
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