60th Reunion Survey

Please help the Reunion Committee determine when to schedule our 60th Reunion and what events to include by completing this survey. Also if you would like to be a part of the Reunion Committee please email me at bill.gahnstrom@washburn.edu. Thank You and have a wonderful day!!

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Would you attend a 60th Reunion if your schedule permits?

Yes No
2)   Reunion Dates. From the listed dates make your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices and list any dates you could not attend: June 5-7, 12-14,19-21,26-28; Ju1y 10-12,17-19,24-26,31-2 August; 7-9,14-16, 21-23, 28-30;September 4-6, 11-13,18-20,25-27; October 2-4, 9-11, 16-18, 23-25, 30-1No 1st _________ 2nd _________ 3rd __________ Leave blanks if no preference.

For example: 1st 12-14 June 2nd 17-19 July 3rd 14-16 Augustl; Not September or October.
3)   * Friday Event.

4)   Friday Evening Impromptu cost for food and no alcoholic beverages.

5)   * Saturday Afternoon Event.

6)   * Where would you like to have the Saturday evening event.

7)   * Saturday evening Gathering Cost not including alcoholic beverages.

8)   * Saturday Evening Gathering Food.

9)   * Saturday Evening Gathering Entertainment.

10)   * Sunday Afternoon Event.

11)   Sunday Brunch Cost.

12)   Sunday Picnic Cost.

13)   Will you need lodging?

Yes No
14)   Do you have any event ideas, or suggestions or other ideas for our 60th Reunion?

15)   * If you would very much like to watch a Highland Park sporting event(football or basketball) please specify which. But know schedules will not be known until 2026.

  Yes Football
  Yes Basketball
  Yes Either