Although you and I did not go to school at West at the same time, the Lord brought us together at Hope Chapel in Hermosa Beach, a year after my 1977 Senior year. We met at one of the services there, and became instant friends.
Our friendship lasted more than 16 years. During that time, we got to know each other and became close Christian brother and sister to one another. I remember your laugh; it was very infectious! And you knew how to dance! You had good rythym. And good taste in food (Mexican- Don Jose's in Torrance). I remember how close you were to your mom's mom; you were attached at the hip to your grandma's poodle, Mimi. I really enjoyed the trip to Monterrey Bay, driving up highway 1 PCH. We shared many memories, church, prayer, grief but most of all good times.
I heard about yor death through your mom, just before she passed in 2011. She said you had a heart attack. You were a strong woman, Joanne. And very beautifull, inside and out.
You will continue to be greatly missed!!
Your forever friend and brother in Christ- Dave Papst
David Papst (1977)
Although you and I did not go to school at West at the same time, the Lord brought us together at Hope Chapel in Hermosa Beach, a year after my 1977 Senior year. We met at one of the services there, and became instant friends.
Our friendship lasted more than 16 years. During that time, we got to know each other and became close Christian brother and sister to one another. I remember your laugh; it was very infectious! And you knew how to dance! You had good rythym. And good taste in food (Mexican- Don Jose's in Torrance). I remember how close you were to your mom's mom; you were attached at the hip to your grandma's poodle, Mimi. I really enjoyed the trip to Monterrey Bay, driving up highway 1 PCH. We shared many memories, church, prayer, grief but most of all good times.
I heard about yor death through your mom, just before she passed in 2011. She said you had a heart attack. You were a strong woman, Joanne. And very beautifull, inside and out.
You will continue to be greatly missed!!
Your forever friend and brother in Christ- Dave Papst