In Memory

Steven Geer

Looking into the window of Steven Geer's life, one sees a portrait of a family full of love, fun and adventure. A picture of faith, full of beauty and simple joys, with thankfulness and awe for God that certainly feeds the spirit of those fortunate enough to know them.

This is a family that esteems and loves one another so well that their joyful, light-hearted connection sounds too good to be true, a kind of "Ozzie and Harriet" type family, for those who remember that era.

Like his family , Steven lived life from the heart - he had jumped out of airplanes, he had been on great scuba diving adventures, and traveled with his dad on motorcycles. One such trip in 2002 was well over 5,000 miles and about 40 days in duration, biking and camping in the western U.S.A. Steven was the "first mate" for "captain" Dad on a sailing voyage from Traverse City to Tampa, Fla., where his mom and dad live on that sailboat today.

Steven lived well aware of life's risks. His commercial pilot's license and desire to be a "missions pilot" in remote areas of the world reflect the courage and passion and calling that filled his heart. Working as a pilot had taken Steven many places, like the airstrip in Ecuador that was home base to the mission team recently popularized in the movie "End Of The Spear."

Steven discovered early on and took hold of that which God had taken hold of him for. Steven had spent a lot of time on missions trips, and before the challenges that ended his life here, he was employed as a pilot - a very good one at that - for anything Steven set his heart to do, he would do it very well.

Now, most will say a life ending at 31 years is a tragedy. Steven's former principal, friend, and now pastor Mike Davis of Traverse City said perhaps the greater tragedy is to live a long life with no connection or purpose for being here. Steven had connected his life's work to a destiny of eternal purpose.

Steven was part of a very special bond of love easily seen in his family. A special love for Aunt Kay would make even a bad day good, by just observing their entertaining antics and interactions. Steven and his sister Kelly shared a love for missions, and a friendship rich and rare in closeness. A mother's love so great and true, Marie was a steady compass bearing for her son. Steven enjoyed her throughout his life, and as the little boy of yesterday became the man we know, through it all he stayed the course of love and truth.

You only had to see Steven and his Dad, Bill, together once to know how much a father and a son can love each other. It may be a secret handshake, a hug, a kiss, or a daily adventure, you wouldn't forget this bond. Ask anyone who has seen their version of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" to know the joy, the zest for life, and just how great the loss of this relationship to family and friends. And because his life was so much a mission of love and unselfishness, as he would do anything he could for anyone in need, the whole earth suffers a loss in this young giving soul.

Steven was very private in what he did for people, and didn't want anyone to know. He was a great person to talk with and could be called a quiet leader, with being humble a major virtue.

The elementary class that Steven graduated with still gets together for a breakfast each and every Christmas, and Steven was the glue that connected the lives of the class. When breakfast finished, Steven would moderate the group talks that could last four hours or more after the food was gone. He was always wanting to know how things were going in his friends lives. In fact, as one would visit Steven's bedside in his last days, friends would still find him asking just how were they doing. Even though it was so difficult for him to talk, he showed concern for others to the end.

As you well might guess, it's very hard for the family to imagine life without Steven. His pain is now over and we really don't have to remember how he died, but please remember in those 31 years how he lived; oh how he lived!

Steven is survived by wonderful parents, Bill and Marie Geer of Tampa and Elk Rapids; sister, Kelly and brother-in-law, Matt of Boston; Aunt Kay of Traverse City; and paternal grandmother, Joann of Ypsilanti.

A memorial service will be held at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26, at Church of the Living God on Birmley Rd. Traverse City.

This obituary was originally published in the Record-Eagle.
