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In Memory

Cassy Kinseth

Cassy Kinseth

Cassie died in a car accident during our senior year (October 22, 1966) after she and her date were car-jacked. from the Tucson Citizen via Ancestry.

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07/27/14 12:55 PM #1    

Peggie Huffman (Leigh)

I do remember finding out what happened to Cassie in class the following Monday. I, and many others, were so shocked and upset to hear what had happened to Cassie and her friend. This was in our senior year, and it is an incident I have never forgotten. Cassie was always a sweet girl. I believe she played in band, and I never heard if the people involved in causing the death of these two kids, were ever brought to justice. Cassie is remembered still by me. God Bless her family members, and the grief this has caused them.

Peggie Huffman Leigh

07/24/16 12:57 AM #2    

Jon Callender

I remember that day as well. It was a sad day I could never get out of my head

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