In Memory

Bill Brewer

Deceased Classmate: Bill Brewer
Date Deceased: September 2009
Age at Death: 59
Cause of Death: Brain aneurysm
Classmate City: Surprise
Classmate State: AZ
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Bill is survived by his wife, Carol (Cacioppo) Brewer, his son, W. Ryan Brewer,
his sister Susi (Brewer) Royce, and his aunt Glenda Parrott.

Bill was, indeed, the love of my life and I miss him very much.
It is with a broken heart, wonderful memories, and a lot of pride that I send you this
information and a photo for the Palo Verde memorial page.
Bill Brewer died in September 2009, at age 59, from a brain aneurysm.
After graduating from Palo Verde in 1968, Bill served his country as a pilot in Vietnam.
He then fulfilled his dream of flying for American Airlines and retired after a 30-year career.
Bill enjoyed traveling, cooking, collecting wine, hiking, and sailing with friends in Gig Harbor.
His spirit and guidance are greatly missed by his family and many friends.
Carol Cacioppo Brewer
