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In Memory

Linda Powers (Siwuda)

Deceased Classmate: Linda Powers
Date Deceased: 4-2006
Age at Death: 44
Cause of Death: unknown
Classmate City: Chicago
Classmate State: IL
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Husband and Two Children.

I heard about Linda's death from Elizabeth Allen. She found out when she Googled her. Her married name was Linda Siwuda. Anyone know anything else? I grew up across the street from Linda and she was one of my best friends before and in grade school. Even though we hung out in different crowds in high school, I have so many wonderful memories of her. Mywishes are with her husband and children. - Liz Mangelsdorf

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07/14/09 02:19 PM #1    

Michael Sanchez

I remember her in high school. Can still see her face in my mind.She was a really cool chick. This list is growing to fast. Seems like there are new names everday:(

07/16/09 10:46 AM #2    

Elizabeth Allen (Sjollema)

Thanks Liz for posting the information. It was a definitely a shock to find out Linda had died 3 years ago. I wish I had kept in touch, she was a good friend from elementary school, Jr. high and high school. My thoughts are with her family.

07/27/09 11:04 PM #3    

Janet Alexander (Davis)

I was good friends with Linda too, and remember very well playing with Liz Mangelsdorf who lived right across the street. Linda was a fun girl who played the piano really well! I met her through Lisa Farrell (South) and we had lots of good times together. I was very sad to hear of her death.

03/12/11 04:06 AM #4    

DJ Donnelly

I met Linda Powers in Tucson in 1988, when I met Linda, I knew she was a special lady....At the time, Linda was in the Travel Business and I was a Chef and starting a career in Motion Pictures and Television at Old Tucson Studios.....From the day Linda and I met, to the day I met her great parents, Bill & Betty Powers, they made me feel right at home....

Linda and I deccided to get engaged in 1990 when we lived in New Mexico, I can still remember, we had dinner at a little Santa Fe Restaurant, I got on my knees and asked Linda to Marry Me !! Linda accepted in late 1990.....

After we left New Mexico, we moved the Chicago, Linda at the time worked for a Company called Corporate Travel Consultants, who tranferred her from New Mexico to Chicago. Since I was a Chef, I landed a job at The Chicago Hilton, then other Hotels.....Linda and I shared a great Townhome in Oakbrook, IL at that time. Due to Linda's travels around the World at the time for her career, I was working long hours, we did not see to much of each other, then as matters would change, we split up !! To this day, I regret that we did, I knew from that moment on, I lost one of the most important ladies in my life....

As time would pass, Linda and I did not see each other anymore, spoke a few times on the phone to finalze matters we had shared together...Once day in 1996 I think it was, I was at The Tucson Mall at Dillards, paying my store credit card bill, I hear behind me.. "Hey DJ", I turn around, it was Linda, with a baby cart and two of her children, I seem to remember, I met as well her new husband, Tom....we spoke for a few minutes, then I had an appointment at Old Tucson Studios, I had to leave...

I never saw Linda again after that, in 2006 while I was in living in NYC, I learned Linda was working at Panasonic in New Jersey, for their Corporate Travel for their executives. I located her offices number and called. I spoke to her Secretary and stated, " DJ Donnelly calling for Linda Powers"...thinking Linda would not come to the phone, she picked it right up and gave me that old " Hey"... we spoke for 30 mins, remembering all we shared together....I remember stating to Linda " Linda, I am trully sorry we never got married, I knew I made a very big mistake, I have to tell you that, Linda stated " I know DJ, we both should have stayed together !!!

I learned of Linda's passing in Chicago over the internet under a Google search, when I read that news, I was really very very sad!! Although I never saw Linda or spoke to her again since 2006, the same year she died, I always thought of her... I reached out to her family in Tucson, NY and Chicago, for my deepest condolences,and asked how did Linda die, to this day, they have refused to let me know....I never knew how Linda died, which i will always regret never knowing...

So that is my story on my great friend Linda Powers, it is sad Linda is in a Chicago Vault and not buried in Tucson, we could all visit her and remember.....

Linda, thank you for coming into my life, you are and will always be very very special to me always....I pray for you everyday and I know you are looking down and watching over me....I look foward to seeing you in Heaven Lord Willing.....

Rest in peace my dear friend....


DJ Donnelly

Triumph Group Studios Ltd / DJ Donnelly Productions Ltd



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