In Memory

William Coy Cox

William Coy Cox

William Coy Cox, Jr

Bill was born Jan 22, 1948 and passed away December 5, 2018 after a long run of illness.

He served in the Army National Guard and attended U of A. Worked at Tucson Newspapers for a couple of years and then went into mortgage banking. He then moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming with family to work for First Wyoming Bank. He and Nancy Dysart Cox Lovelass adopted daughter, Kristen in 1973. He later returned to Phoenix in the early 80's and continued with mortgage banking until he retired, He was preceded in death by his parents Coy & Margaret Cox. He leaves behind a daughter, Kristen Cox Day (Bill) Catoosa OK., Granddaughters Ashla Gablenz & Abigail Day & three great granddaughters, Also sisters Peggy Pitzer (Max) from Georgia and Sharon Cox (Phx), brother Jeff Cox (Sue) Phoenix.

Peace be with you, Bill!

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12/28/18 08:41 PM #1    

Edwin Allen Ludeke

Bill lived 4 houses down from me on east 27th st. Every morning he would stop by my house in his 55 chevy and pick me up. Bill and I were in the same Army MP company so we saw each other a lot during those years. He helped me and Ginger buy our first house by doing a few special financial arrangements to which I will always be grateful.My parents liked him my brothers liked him,my sister and cousin liked him.God bless you Bill Cox,my neighbor,classmate, fellow MP and friend.

12/29/18 06:46 PM #2    

Daniel Edward White

Bill and I became best buddies in third grade at Corbett Elementary School.  We played together, were in Cub Scouts together, raced our own self made wooden cars in the Soap Box Derby together and played Little League Baseball -- on different teams -- against one another. As his team's pitcher,  he threw a fastball once that hit me right in the middle of my back.  As I got up off the ground in the batters box, dusted myself off, and slowly ran to first base, Bill yelled out to me "sorry Danny -- it was suppose to be a curve ball but didnt curve!!!"  Bill and I were alter boys together at St Michael's All Angel's Episcopal Church and went to Sunday School together. We also ditched Sunday School together. In junior high at Mary Naylor Jr High,  Bill was the 8th grade class president. He was a BIG LINEMAN on the football team and I played in the backfield as the Tailback. He always did his very best to protect me and block the other players trying to get me!! Bill would say "sorry Danny" in the huddle if I got creamed!! I recall once (maybe more) I fumbled the football and everyone piled on it to recover it --- and I know I didn't have it -- but I heard Bill's voice coming from the pile "I got it!!!" He always had my back and took care of me!!!  His older sister Peggy -- I called her "sister" --- and his youngser sister Sharon -- I called "Dewey."  His younger brother Jeff was many years younger.  Sister, Dewey, Bill, my older sister Theresa, and I, and Gordon and Paul Nelson, would all play hide-in-go-seak when we were all younger and all living in the new housing area adjacent to Corbett Elementary School in the neighborhood of 26th St, 27th St and Sylvane St.  Bill and I continued to bond as "brothers from different mothers" all through out high school. We would double date on occasions. We would go out into the desert in east Tucson with our other high school buddies and drink beer and have a good time!!! Tom Kelly, Greg Cassadi, Mike Cassadi, Lefty Trower, Chip Harrington, Steve Custenborder (RIP)  ---  and several others whose names right now slip from my memory. We all bonded and took care of one another!!!   After high school we all went our different ways.  I made the US Army my career in 1968 -- enlisting into the US Army and going into the Military Police and later the Criminal Investigations Division. Bill was also a Military Policeman in the US Army Arizona National Guard.  Bill and I did our best to keep in contact through letters and when I would return to Tucson to visit family, we would do our best to get together for dinner or maybe just a beer, or two, or three.  I would always stop by and visit "Mom Cox" if I could. Bill didn't always live in Tucson then. For the past couple of years we have really gotten back together and emailed long letters to one another -- catching up on life -- sharing secrets -- long letters about our life experiences ---  sad times, good times, hard times. We continued to bond as brothers and best buddies. I loved Bill as a brother and my best friend! I am thankful my life crossed his path at an early age -- and he and I became best of friends and brothers from different mothers. I am a better person because of Bill Cox. He always kept it simple, honest and straight forward. We didn't always agree politically -- often on different sides of the line. But we NEVER allowed any of that to get in the way of our close brotherhood. Thank you for everything Bill!! Thank you for being my life long best friend!! You made a real difference in my life!!!  I know you made a difference in many lives with your kindness, your honesty and your loving heart -- you BIG LINEMAN!!! I love you and miss you brother -- but we will be joined together again when the time is right!!! Heck -- we were Alter Boys together!! We may have to answer for ditching Sunday School -- but we can handle that!!   Rest in Peace now Bill. Your mission here has been accomplished -- well done my brother.  We will take it from here!!!


12/30/18 10:10 AM #3    

Gregory David Casadei

Beautiful tribute, Danny.



12/31/18 11:54 AM #4    

Johnny Hounshell

I’ve known Bill since first grade at Corbett Elementary.  Danny did such a great eulogy that it is difficult to find words to express.  That neighborhood around 26th and Sylvane laid the groundwork for guys like Bill, Danny, Ed, and me.  Bill played the trumpet.  They had an RV parked next to their house.  I remember Bill trying to teach me a little about the horn.  We laughed at how hard it was to make a sound.  In third grade at Corbett there was a pile of manure waiting to be spread.  Bill and Dennis chased me one day and rubbed my face in it.  Most likely I deserved it.  Rest In Peace my friend.   

Johnny Hounshell 


12/31/18 02:12 PM #5    

Thomas Kelly

I didn’t meet Bill until we played football for Palo Verde. We did become good friends, drinking  beer, racing cars and cruising Speedway/Johnnies. I lost touch with Bill after high school but caught up with him occasionally with Lefty Trower, Tom Tucker, Vince San Angelo etc. As noted by others, Bills political views were diametrically opposed to mine and we had a few heated arguments but always remained friends. Earlier this year Bill sent me a message copied below. Bill, your “favorite Irishman” will miss you. Rest In Peace my friend.

William Coy Cox posted a message on Thomas Kelly's Profile. New comment added.
Mar 18, 2018 at 9:32 pm

Posted on: Mar 18, 2018 at 8:50 pm

Happy St. Paddy's Day to my favorite Irishman.

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Thomas Kelly 

Same to ya Bill. Hope you had a GREAT St. Paddy’s Day. 

Mar 18, 2018 at 9:32 pm · 




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