In Memory

Harry Michael Hayes

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10/24/16 09:16 PM #1    

Sandi Seiler (Harrington)

Sadly, Mike Reed sent this today:

Deceased Classmate: Harry Michael (Mike) Hayes
Date Of Birth: 2-1948
Date Deceased: 10-20-2008
Age at Death: 60
Cause of Death: 
Classmate City: Amarillo
Classmate State: TX
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: Yes Air Force
Survived By: Wife - Kathie (Zimmerman) Hayes Son - Christopher Hayes

Mike's life story was written and given to me by his son, Chris. "Mike Hayes was in the Air Force for many years after his graduation from Arizona State University. After leaving the military he attended the University of Texas to get his Masters in Taxation. From there he joined Deloitte as a CPA specializing in foreign tax planning and moved his way up to partner. Mike started in the Houston office where he met Kathie Zimmerman and the two were married in 1984. In 1988 they had their first and only child, Christopher. In 1991, Mike was transferred to London and the three of them lived there for three years, traveling around Great Britain, and many countries in Europe. In 1994 Mike was transferred to the Miami, Florida office. With retirement on the mind and Chris about to enter middle school in 1998, they decided to move to Sarasota, Florida for the more laid back lifestyle when Mike would finally retire. It took a few more years than expected but Mike retired in the mid 2000's. Over the years he picked up many hobbies but his greatest passions were playing the guitar, going to the golf course, and cooking. After Chris went to college and Mike was officially retired, he and Kathie began traveling. Their trips took them to Maine, Italy, Switzerland and Egypt. Sadly Mike passed away in October 2008. He is survived by his wife Kathie who still lives in Sarasota and his son Chris who now lives in Washington, D.C." 

10/25/16 12:07 PM #2    

Marjorie Marian Fisher (Cunningham)

Sorry to hear of his death. He was a positive, upbeat person.

10/27/16 07:11 PM #3    

Charles "Mike" Kimball

For me, personally, learning of Mike's death is devastating.  He was one of my best friends in high school.  I had really hoped he would be a last minute sign-up for the reunion.  I've tried for years to find him with no luck.  Mike and I had a great time at PVHS.  We made a fake grave on Mr. Tweedy's front yard from extra dirt after we made a flower bed for his wife.  The next day Mrs. Tweedy handed us two shovels after the ASPCA had a complaint from a neighbor stating a dog was buried in the yard.  Mike and I were discussing the "new" Batman show during one of Mr. Tweedy's classes.  After telling us to keep quiet several times, Mr. Tweedy got tired of us and banished us to the hall with desks and told us to talk about Batman.  If he caught us not doing this we would be sent to the office.  These are just two of the many "adventures" Mike and I had.  And to now know Mike was only 200 miles away while he lived in Houston...very sad.  We could have easily reunited...RIP Mike, my friend.





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