In Memory

Shelby Kirk Wilson VIEW PROFILE

Shelby Kirk Wilson

Shelby died June 17, 2020 at age 72.

He suffered from lupus and other complications. He lived in Carefree, AZ and left one daughter Virgina Wilson Cannon



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06/27/20 10:13 AM #1    

Gregory Louis Psaltis

I remember Shelby as the main photographer for the school newspaper and yearbook and he always did a great job. RIP Shelby.

06/27/20 03:28 PM #2    

John Reed (Reed)

Summer of '65 and a bunch of us had signed up to pick cantaloupe in Yuma for a summer job. That fell through (fortunately) and instead we worked on I-10 north of Tucson chopping tumbleweeds. One day when we were working by a radio station and tower, Shelby jumped the fence and went over to talk with the DJ. I'm sure this story is but a drop in the bucket of many that can be told of our always-full-of-life friend. Sorry to see you go, Shelby  John Reed

06/27/20 05:51 PM #3    

Benjamin Frank Owens Sr.

Sorry to hear this news. It always saddens me to lose another TITIAN. My best to his family.

06/28/20 11:28 AM #4    

Terry Ross MacDonald

Greg Psaltis would know better than anybody--this man was a professional photographer even in high school.

Great eye.  Great guy.  Saw Shelby at the 50th, and he was the same fine spirit.  RIP, sir.


06/29/20 08:31 AM #5    

Michael F Hawke

Shelby was my next-door neighbor all through high school. I worked with him for three years on the yearbook and newspaper on the photo staff. Unreal photographer! Definitely a free spirit! He is missed! RIP, Good Sir!

06/29/20 12:56 PM #6    

David McIlroy Tighe

I met Shelby in Freshman English.  We became inseparable friends over the next four years.  Worked, fished, shared a love for U of A football and confided totally in each other.  He had a quick mind, which combined with quarts of Miller's,  led us to innumerable let's say situations.( Basketball yearbook bone, removal from High Y at the Model Legislature, me sneaking him out of the back of a Sheriff's car at ASU senior day to cite a few) Of course none, almost none, at least half, we're my idea.  Graduation and Politics caused us to go out separate.ways.  Our paths crossed several times 1969 or 70 but my military service and his views made the encounters stiff and short.  He made contact with me in 2016 and I totally fucked that up.  For this, I will forever be regretful.  Shelby was one of the smartest individuals I  ever knew.  I could not have had a better true friend to get through my high school years.  My regrets to those who love and have loved him.  Rest well my friend.  Hope they are biting like Kinsley's Ranch.


06/30/20 03:17 PM #7    

Deborah Jane Thomas

If I have my facts correct, I think Shelby attended Townsend Jr.High when I did, and that is how I first met him. I don't have any stories about him, but I wanted to say that I admired him. He tall and lanky, smart and well liked, and had a good sense of humor.  I admired his intelligence. Our paths didn't cross much, other than being in a few classes together, here and there. And our interests were not the same, I thought his photography was quite good. My path went in the direction of concert choir, and the Jubileers at Palo Verde High.

I'm sorry to hear of his passing and hope his last days were not ones of suffering. I wish I could have know him better because I do have some memories of class discussions and his thoughts were interesting ones. May God comfort his daughter in her time of great loss. Clearly, he was a leader and made an impression on me, because though I was only a peripheral classmate, here I am writing about him now, over fifty years later.

When I return to Tucson, I'm going to take out my Wrangler and Titan yearbooks and look him up, to find out where else Shelby excelled. I hope he is resting in peace.

07/06/20 01:48 PM #8    

Timothy Wade Stork

Shelby was one of a kind. There were many things he was great at: art, photography, writing, math, science. You name it he could do it. We had many adventures in our junior & senior years and even more when we were roomates at college. I just smile thinking of all the great stuff we came  up with on how we were going to  change the world .  You were a great freind Shelby and happy be reconnected at the reunion and  at the 70th birthday celebration . Rest in Peace My Freind.  Tim 

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