Alumni Forum

Sabino High Alumni Forum!

We would love to hear from you! What are you up to? Any stories from "the day" we would all find entertaining? What did the reunion mean to you and have you reconnected with anyone from Sabino? Inquiring minds want to know! Press "Post Response" to participate!

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09/03/15 05:39 PM #1    

Rene duToit (Crosby)

Hey everyone!  So sorry that I could not be part of this fun time.Ive been able to reconnect with a few of you through this site . So thank you  for that!

 I was sorry to see that we had so many classmates pass on already. That really puts our time here into a different perspective. Of course, by now we all know how precious everyday is.

  I have had many ups and downs in my life since Sabino. My father commited suicide the year after we graduated. I had my first child in 1977.Her name is Christina.She is a case worker at our Pre Release center,passionately counseling those who have been victims of abuse. Christina has one daughter who is almost 20. She lives with us . She has the voice of an angel and is our city's national anthem singer.She is planning on majoring in some type of music therapy for special need children in the spring.

 My other Daughter, Melissa was born in 1981. She is a realtor. Her husband is a policeman. They have a three year old tasmanian devil called Crosby. He is the joy of my life. You can't have a bad day holding a granchild in your arms.

  My husband frank and I have been married for 37 years. Do I win the prize for being married the longest or for having the oldest child ? .Cmon  its been a long haul whew!!! 

 Music is still my life . I just happened to have centered that around the Lord.As i poke aroung on the internet, I see some of my closest friends have also taken that direction.I work for Holy Spirit Catholic Church. I am the music coordinator and the Parish youth Minister.I couldn't ask for anything better.

I hope the reunion is a grand time for all of you. Be happy and God Bless You

                                                                                                       Rene duToit Crosby


09/04/15 11:59 AM #2    

Marianne Banes (McNamee)

Hello Rene--So nice to hear from you! I was hoping to see you at the reunion but so glad you connected with us all. congratulations on all of your wonderful children and grandchildren and your long marriage! I got married in 1996 but sadly lost my husband less than a year later. I have since remarried to a man I dated in college before the first husband (!) and we have been happily married now for 19 years. No kids but three dogs and a horse keep us busy--although I agree, nothing beats grandchildren. My brother has two and they are precious!

I am delighted that you have continued with music in your life--that it is your life--and that your granddaughter is blessed with your musical talent and angelic voice. I finally got back into singing 8 years ago and joined the repertory choir here in Tucson and I love every moment of it.

Wishing you and your family all the best and many more happy years of love and song--


Marianne Banes McNamee 



09/04/15 07:35 PM #3    

Linda Mollenhauer (Little)

I am so happy that I was able to reconnect with Rene and so many others through this site and other social media. Even though I am not able to attend what I am sure will be a weekend to remember, I would like to thank Curtis and Gail for making this happen. Have a great time EVERYONE!

It is hard to believe that 40 years have passed by. My body knows it but my brain has yet to catch up. I have been married to my best friend Alan for nearly 37 years, so Rene you have me beat. We are blessed with 4 beautiful children. Aaron is the VP of a computer software company and lives in Eugene,OR with his wife Janice who is also a computer nerd and have given us the greatest gift in the world in Daphne, our adorable granddaughter. She is the one and only so needless to say she is the light in our lives and we are spoiling her rotten. Isn't that what grandparents are supposed to do. Brandon is an English teacher currently working in the United Arab Emirates and loves it there even if his heart is in Colombia (he is our world traveller). Alyssa lives in Portland working for the Oregon Secondary Education Consortium and is also a world traveller but is at home for now. And then we have Chad who lives in Eugene also,with his delightful girl friend Breah who we hope will become part of our family soon. He is the Distance Learning Coordinator for the College of Arts and Science at the U of O. GO Ducks!

I have worked in healthcare in one form or another since high school but have been a labor and delivery nurse for the past 21 years. I have truly enjoyed it but now I really look forward to retirement. It can't get here soon enough. You know it is time to retire when you start delivering babies of the babies you delivered. For some of the fun things we have done over the years my highlight was spending two weeks rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon last year. The experience was incredible! We also spent 3 weeks in Australia which was fantastic and time in the San Juan Islands for some much needed down time.

Again have fun at this shindig and post pictures please.

Linda Little

09/11/15 04:42 PM #4    

David Carter

This Canyon is in the Catalinas-I have been hiking this and other remote canyons since I moved to Tucson-The two waterfalls in this picture are over 100' tall with no trail to them...and you can drink the water.  Just thought I'd share my favorite place

09/14/15 01:21 PM #5    


Curtis Jones

This place is stunning and is the kind of hike I LOVE to do! I might have to look you up next time I am going to be in Tucson and see if you would want to head up one of these canyons! - Curtis Jones

09/14/15 04:08 PM #6    

Liz Tritz '76

I'll come after I recover from my knee surgery!

09/15/15 03:13 PM #7    


Curtis Jones

Right behind you on the knee stuff, Liz! We may be falling apart but we still have heart, right?! - Curtis

09/16/15 11:21 AM #8    

David Carter

I would love to go long as my health holds up too-get those knees fixed and we'll go.  We'd take the tram to stop 9.  6 miles of trails and 6 miles of canyoneering-I think this is for younger people now.LOL

09/17/15 03:27 PM #9    

Gail Yampolsky (Frank)

We shall do this hike together even with replaced knees an walkers. But I'm all for the tram to get us to the hike.

09/25/15 04:07 PM #10    

Mark Acosta

There are some great hikes on Mt Lemmon. This time of year the weather is perfect. My 16 yyear old daughter and I did an 8 mile hike up there last Sunday morning. 

10/12/15 07:16 PM #11    


Curtis Jones

What I wished I had known when I started High School


My 40 year High School reunion & How to make the best of High School

Recently, I wrote this for our local high school paper where one of my daughters attended and one is currently attending as a Freshman.

I learned several things at my 40-Year High School reunion in Tucson, Arizona, that might make a difference in how you approach high school.


First, though, let me tell you what happened at the reunion - the first graduating class of Sabino High School in Tucson, Arizona. It quite possibly could have been the most magical experience of my life (besides my kids and wife). The written word, particularly mine, could never convey the magic of the weekend. First, no one cared how successful alumni turned out to be, how rich they turned out to be, whether they were fat or skinny, how nice their clothes were or weren’t, or how famous they turned out to be. The jocks as well as the cheerleaders, the nerds, the stoners  ... they all ended up nice as hell. Everyone got along. There was no drama. We were just all glad to see each other. ­

Why such magic? It turns out, the bonds we form with our high school classmates will probably be some of the strongest bonds we form in our lifetime.They form quickly, they form strong. It is an extremely influential time in our lives. At our reunion, it seemed there was a collective “sigh of relief” when we all got together - almost as if we all needed to get together.

The only regrets expressed at the reunion were people who didn’t, for whatever reason, get involved in activities other than academics and people who didn’t get to know other people in their classes/grades.

Now for the advice part. Know that you aren’t the only person in school that is a bundle of insecurities. Everyone has a story, some unique, some difficult, some even scary. Be kind to everyone - even those who don’t necessarily fit into your “group”. Be nice to the mean, tough football player, the nerdy chess player, the shy goth girl who wears black all the time, the cheerleader. You never know who has a story like your’s and who you will end up being friends with. Assume the best of people - even when they may not completely deserve it. How you treat them may have an effect on their future and certainly will have an effect on your's. By doing so, you may bring out the best in them. And remember - someday, you will also have to see them at your 40-year reunion (which will come faster than you can imagine)!

Take advantage of the experience that may be the most influential, growing time of your life. Work hard but have fun. Meet and experience as many people in your class as you can. Get involved in activities other than academics.

And last but not least, believe in yourself in spite of your situation. It all works out in the end.

Curtis Jones


10/13/15 08:33 PM #12    

Joseph Bordonaro

Curtis that artice was profound, I truely regret not making the reunion I can't believe it slipped by me.  Sometimes life gets in the way, it sounds like a great time was had by all. God help me I will make the next one.  A big shout out to all that did show up it makes me feel proud of going to that great school. My 20 plus years at Sahuraro and now at Tucson High keep me young at heart but I truely miss seeing my classmates from 40 years ago ( God were did the time go!) To all Stay Strong, Live every day like it is your last, Don't forget to Say I Love You, and to Thank God.

Joe B

05/31/17 02:08 PM #13    


Curtis Jones

Jim Lawson finishes his cross country bicycle trip! Nice job, Jim! Back in '80, Nate Shelton and I (Curtis Jones) did a cross country trip - but we weren't 60 years old! 

06/01/17 07:57 AM #14    

Bruce Nelson

Jimmy, great job!  Wow.  You are still the man!  Great to see you and Chip in LA . Had a great time.  Need to do it again.  Keep in touch.  Everything at the Nelson household is going well.  For those who have knee issues, I have had both done and it's the best thing I ever did!  Great pics of the mountains.  Makes me home sick.  All my best to everyone!  Bruce

06/01/17 08:40 AM #15    

Charles Jarvis

Awesome Jim.  Congratulations 

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